
npm-installable package for RHDP website assets

Primary LanguageCSS

RHD Front-end Code and Documentation

Live Documentation Site

Installation, Scripts, and Contributing

  • Clone the repository
  • Ask for the Font Awesome license text for the .npmrc file
  • Ask for the alternate registry information for the .npmrc file, if building the repo inside of Red Hat.
    • If running the alternate registry and Font Awesome, you will need to set npm config set strict-ssl to false (npm config set strict-ssl false). Without that, Font Awesome will try to use the alternate registry for installation, which will not work.`
  • Run npm install to install npm-tracked dependencies locally
  • Install Go
  • Make Go-built executables accessible
    • Add the go /bin to PATH (find by running go env and it would be $GOPATH/bin)
      • This is a necessary step to successfully execute publish_gh_pages.sh or review_gh_pages.sh
    • Alternatively you can just run hugo commands with ~/go/bin/hugo
  • Run go get github.com/gohugoio/hugo (gets and builds the latest Hugo release)
  • Mac users Run cd ~/go/src/github.com/gohugoio/hugo && go install --tags extended to ensure you have the extended release
  • Run hugo version or ~/go/bin/hugo version (currently v0.56.3; also look for /extended as that is necessary for Sass pipelines)
  • If missing dependencies, either go get ... them or install for your OS. Have seen the following needed:
    • go get github.com/hashicorp/go-immutable-radix
    • go get github.com/wellington/go-libsass
    • gcc / g++
  • Mac users: Increase max file limit so that you can run the Hugo server
    • Create a limit.maxfiles.plist file

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
          <plist version="1.0">
    • Run chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist to properly set the owner

    • Run chmod 0644 /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist to properly set the file permissions

    • Run launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist to load the limit.maxfiles.plist to the LaunchAgent

    • Restart you Mac so that the LaunchAgent can run and increase you max file limit

  • Run the Hugo server
    • Run default dev server hugo serve (pulls from config/development/config.toml))
    • Run bound dev server hugo serve --bind= --port=8080 (for VMs or other sandbox environments)
  • Enjoy live reload for Sass and Templates
  • JS will live reload after running npm run scripts to build production script files
  • NPM Scripts (npm start, npm test, npm run {name})
    • start - builds scripts and keeps watching for changes
    • test - runs Karma test runner using Jasmine
    • build - builds scripts but does not watch for changes
    • scripts - builds scripts and keeps watching for changes

Adding and Updating Components

  • Create a new component page
    • Run hugo new components/yourcomponent.md
    • Edit the new component file in src/docs/content/components
    • Update the title, description, and scripts
    • Add markdown content to appear above the render
  • Create the data structure for the component
    • Add a data folder for your component in /src/data/components/yourcomponent
    • Add a variant file in the component's data folder
      • TOML
      id = "default"
      name = "Default Variant"
      order = 1
      id = "default2"
      name = "Default Variant 2"
      order = 2
      • JSON
          "variant": [
                  "id": "variant1",
                  "name": "Variation 1",
                  "order": 1
                  "id": "variant2",
                  "name": "Variation 2",
                  "order": 2
      • YAML
    • Add a context folder in your component's data folder for each different context you want to express for your component
    • Add a details file (JSON, YAML, or TOML) to the context folder
      • TOML
      name = "DEFAULT CONTEXT"
      • JSON
          "name": "New Component Name"
    • Add a {{variantname}} file (JSON, YAML, or TOML) to the context folder with the context's template(s) for that variant
      • TOML
      templates = ["""
      <span>Variant Template 1</span>
      <span>Variant Template 2</span>
      • JSON
          "templates": [
              "<span>Variant Template 1</span>",
              "<span>Variant Template 2</span>"
  • View your new component page /components/newcomponent

Using Clamp styles

to apply a cross browser line clamp to a item apply the class "line-clamp-" where the "" is the numebr of lines you want to clamp e.g. "line-clamp-2" will only display 2 lines before adding ... to the end of the text valid numebrs are intergers "1 to 10".

only to be used on heading "H" tags and paragraph "P" tags.

Popular Patterns


Buttons and CTAs

Alerts and Notifications


  • NodeJS
  • Hugo
  • JSDoc
  • SASSDoc
  • TypeScript
  • ESLint
  • Karma
  • Jasmine
  • Semantic-Release
  • UglifyJS
  • FontAwesome