
Computer Science for Social Good @ UB official website.

Primary LanguageHTML


The official website for UB's Computer Science for Social Good.

Link to the Website:

For website related concerns, you can reach out to: cse-webmaster@buffalo.edu

Table of Contents:

  1. Adding a Page
  2. Adding a Research Project Page
  3. Credits & Content Information

Adding a Page

E.g. Education, Research Speakers

  1. Create an html or markdown file.
  2. Add front matter (file MUST start with front matter):
    layout: default
    title: Research
    Page content goes here.
    -Front matter is a list of variables for the page.
    -MUST put three dashes --- on the lines before and after the variables.
    -layout: default adds header, footer, css, jss, imgs, etc to your file. Just copy it as written.
    -Replace "Research" in title: Research with your desired title.
  3. Write the contents of your page in html or markdown or both BELOW the front matter.
  4. Save the page with a filename ending in .html or .md.
  5. Upload your file to the root directory (like index.html and research.md).

Adding a Research Project Page

E.g. Bias in NLP, FAI - will show up with a short description on the Research page with a link directing to the rest of the project page's contents.

  1. Create an html or markdown file.
  2. Add front matter in the same way as adding a new page (above), but with a few more variables:
    layout: default
    title: FAI
    description: <ul><li>Details</li><li>People</li><li>Values and Ethics Statement</li></ul>
    icon: <i class='bx bxs-home-heart' ></i>
    Page content goes here.
    -Copy layout: default.
    -Write your desired title after title: .
    -Write your desired description after description: .
    -Optional: Include an icon from BoxIcons. Click the "Font" option for your chosen icon to get it in the appropriate format.
    BoxIcon Example
  3. Write the contents of the project (which will appear as its own page when the name link is clicked) BELOW the front matter.
  4. Save the page with a filename ending in .html or .md.
  5. Upload your file inside the _research_projects folder.



  • Prakshal Jain
  • Hope Kara


This website is inherited from Squadfree Template by bootstrap.
More Info:
Template Name: Squadfree
Template URL: https://bootstrapmade.com/squadfree-free-bootstrap-template-creative/
Author: BootstrapMade.com

License: https://bootstrapmade.com/license/

Content Information