Roman Numerals Coding Dojo

Organizational Rules

  • One person is the driver; (s)he will actually decide what code to write.
  • One person is the navigator; (s)he will assist the driver by keeping an eye on the current objective of the test and by spotting errors/typos.
  • The rest are spectators; usually they should not interfere as not to disturb the driver, navigator pair
  • Every 5/7/10 minutes we will rotate: navigator will become driver, driver will join the spectators and one spectator will become the new navigator
  • This will happen round robin; this dojo style is called a 'Randori'

Red/Green TDD Approach (Coding Rules)

  • Write a Test that is failing against an unimplemented or partially implemented function
  • Ensure the test is Red (if not, investigate if that is by accident, or if the full desired behaviour the test should ensure is covered)
  • Commit the result
  • Implement the functionality to make the test Green (and nothing else!)
  • Commit the result
  • Refactor as necessary while keeping the test green.
  • Commit the result

When the Clock runs out

  • Two choices: either we can directly push, or there is stuff that could potentially be committed
  • BUT: usually only failing new tests or green tests are committed.
  • It might happen that a driver has coded him/herself into a corner.
  • Next driver (current navigator) gets to decide wether to revert or commit before the push
  • Push all that has been committed.
  • Next Driver pulls and continues. Of course screen sharing needs to be switched accordingly.

Extra hints for style

  • Commit messages should be in present tense/imperative
  • i.e.: "Add test for functionality A"
  • i.e.: "Implement functionality A, test is green".
  • i.e.: "Lay foundation for test of functionality B"
  • Use Gitmoji to ensure that commits are focused.