--- Solana CLI commands

  1. solana-keygen new To generate a keypair
  2. solana config get To see current CLI configuration
  3. solana config set --url <RPC_URL> By default, Solana CLI is configured to interact with mainnet RPC, that definitely not what we want for development purposes. RPC URL for Devnet: https://api.devnet.solana.com RPC URL for Testnet: https://api.testnet.solana.com RPC URL for Mainnet Beta: https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com
  4. solana config set --keypair <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> To change the location of the default keypair
  5. solana address Get your public key used by default
  6. solana airdrop Request SOL from a faucet
  7. solana balance
  8. solana transfer Transfer funds from your default account to another account
  9. solana-test-validator Run localnet nodes
  10. solana-keygen new --outfile <PATH_TO_KEYPAIR> Create additional keypairs
  11. solana rent <amount_of_bytes> Calculate rent-exempt-minimum values for a given account data field length
  12. solana logs To stream transaction logs from the test validator, you may use the following command
  13. solana program deploy <PATH_TO_PROGRAM_BINARY> Deploy your program

--- Setting up a project cargo init The minimum necessary set of files to write a quality on-chain program in Solana is to have the following files:

src/entrypoint.rs - responsible for the entry point into the program; src/error.rs - defines error types; src/instructions.rs - defines instructions for the program work and their serialization and deserialization; src/lib.rs - defines all modules in the project; src/processor.rs - responsible for the logic executed by the program; src/state.rs - handles the objects' state and their serialization and deserialization.

--- If this module hierarchy is in place, the workflow will look as follows:

  1. somebody calls the entrypoint with specific arguments;
  2. the entrypoint passes arguments to the processor;
  3. the processor decodes the instructions received as an argument from the entrypoint;
  4. some action takes place according to the decoded data received;
  5. if necessary, uses state.rs to manipulate the account state passed through the entrypoint;
  6. in case of an error during an action, it uses custom errors from error.rs.

For further projects, you may use a template repo and modify it for your needs.


--- To Deploy Programs

To run a localnet for testing solana-test-validator

Open a new terminal, and configure the CLI toolkit to work with the local cluster by default: solana config set --url

program logs are output in a separate termimal using the following command: solana logs

To Build the program cargo build-bpf

After the build, we can deploy the .so program to the network with the command solana program deploy Returns the Program ID of the deployed program

To deploy to a specific program id, add a flag: solana program deploy --program-id