
It is a CRUD Application, developed API's for Employee DB and Department DB using Spring Boot and demonstrates the integration of PostgreSQL database and MongoDB database.

Tech Stack

  • Java
  • Spring Framework
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Hibernate
  • Maven
  • PostgreSQL Database
  • MongoDB Database
  • Lombok

API Description:

Employee DB (PostgreSQL):

  • Create: /api/emp/employees (POST) {"body": firstName, lastName, email, departmentId }
  • Read: /api/emp/employees (GET) . /api/emp/employees/{id} (GET)
  • Update: /api/emp/employees/{id} (PUT) {"body": firstName, lastName, email, departmentId }
  • Delete:/api/emp/employees/{id} (DELETE)

Department DB (MongoDB):

  • Create: /api/dept/department (POST) {"body": departmentName}
  • Read: /api/dept/department (GET) . /api/dept/department/{id} (GET)
  • Update: /api/dept/department/{id} (PUT) {"body": departmentName}
  • Delete:/api/dept/department/{id} (DELETE)

Installation locally & Run


  • Java 20 or higher.
  • IDE.
  • PostgreSQL database.
  • MongoDB database.

How to Run:

  • Before running the Application, you should update the database config inside the application.properties file.
  • Update the port number, username and password as per your local database config.
  • Create a Database using PostgreSQL (pgadmin).
  • create a Database using MongoDB (compass).


    spring.data.mongodb.uri={your mongodb uri}
    spring.data.mongodb.database={your database}

  • Open the main class and run as Java application from your IDE.
  • Use postman for testing the API's.