- Selenium IDE
- WebDriver setup and basic usage
- Locators (ID, Name, Class, Tag, Link Text, Partial Link Text, CSS Selector, XPath)
- Waits (Implicit, Explicit, Fluent)
- Handling alerts and popups
- Working with dropdowns (static and dynamic)
- Handling web tables
- Actions class for mouse and keyboard events
- Window and iframe handling
- JavaScript executor
- Handling dynamic elements
- Exceptions in Selenium
- Apache POI for data-driven testing
- Handling SVG elements
- Handling Shadow DOM
- Relative locators (Selenium 4 feature)
- Page Object Model (POM)
- Page Factory
- Parallel test execution
- ThreadLocal for thread safety
- Logging with Log4j
- Running Selenium tests on Jenkins
- Selenium Grid setup and usage
- Using Selenoid for Selenium Grid