- Website - https://thetestingacademy.com
- Author - Pramod
Oops (Object-Oriented Programming) concepts are fundamental principles in Java that enable developers to create modular and reusable code.
Java is an object-oriented programming language, and it supports the four main principles of OOP: encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction. Let's briefly discuss each of these concepts:
Constructor is used to construct the object of a class.
A constructor’s name must be exactly the same as the name of its class.
constructor is a special method because it does not have a return type
Default Constructor
Param Constructor
This Demo
Copy Constructor in Java
Encapsulation in OOP refers to binding the data and the methods to manipulate that data together in a single unit (class).
Encapsulation is normally done to hide the state and representation of an object from outside
a good convention is to declare all the data members or instance variables of a class private
- Classes are easier to change and maintain.
- We can specify which data member we want to keep hidden or accessible.
- We decide which variables have read/write privileges (increases flexibility).
Create a Rectangle Class
- Input Length, Width.
- get Area - L * W
- Default C, Parameter C
// Class Rectangle class Rectangle {
// Private Fields private int length; private int width;
// Default Constructor public Rectangle() { this.length = 0; this.width = 0; }
// Parameterized Constructor public Rectangle(int length, int width) { this.length = length; this.width = width;
// Method to calculate Area of a rectangle public int getArea() { return this.length * this.width; }
class Demo {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Rectangle obj = new Rectangle(2, 2);
They are used to impose access restrictions on different data members and member functions.
- Private : A private member cannot be accessed directly from outside the class
- Public : members can be directly accessed by anything which is in the same scope as the class object.
- Protected :access level to the protected members lies somewhere between private and public. protected data members can be accessed inside a Java package
- Default : The default access is similar to the protected. It also has package-level access
Example of Cop and Police
Private Gun, public CheckGun, Shoot is Private or Protected!
- Inheritance provides a way to create a new class from an existing class
- new class is a specialized version of the existing class such that it inherits all the non-private fields (variables) and methods of the existing class.
- The existing class is used as a starting point or as a base to create the new class.
A square IS A shape Java IS A programming language Car IS A vehicle
- SuperClass (Parent Class or Base Class)
- SubClass (Child Class or Derived Class)
An object of the child class can use :
- All non-private members defined in the child class.
- All non-private members defined in the parent class.
The extends Keyword
SubClass extends SuperClass{ //contents of SubClass }
this keyword in Java is used to refer to the instance of the current class.
the super keyword in Java is used to refer to the SuperClass members from inside the immediate Subclass.
Accessing parent class fields Calling a parent class method Using with constructors (Calling parent default constructors)
- Single - Vehicle class (Super class) and the Car class (Sub class)
- Multi-level
- A Car IS A Vehicle
- A Tesla EV IS A Car
- Hierarchical
- A Tesla Car IS A Vehicle
- A Tesla Truck IS A Vehicle
In Java, Multiple and Hybrid inheritance are applicable using interfaces only.
- Multiple
- A Hyundai Elantra IS A Car
- A Hyundai Elantra IS A Sedan
- Hybrid
- A combustion engine is an engine
- An electric motors engine is an engine
- A Hybrid engine combines both combustion engine and electric motors
Super Keyword
this keyword in Java is used to refer to the instance of the current class the super keyword in Java is used to refer to the SuperClass members from inside the immediate Subclass.
What Super can Do? You can use Super to Accessing parent class fields. Calling a parent class method#
Poly means many and Morph means forms.
polymorphism refers to the same object exhibiting different forms and behaviors
Shape Class. The exact shape you choose can be anything. It can be a rectangle, a circle, a polygon or a diamond. So, these are all shapes but their properties are different.
Shape[] shape = new Shape[2]; // Creating shape array of size 2
shape[0] = new Circle(2); // creating circle object at index 0
shape[1] = new Rectangle(2, 2); // creating rectangle object at index 1
System.out.println("Area of the Circle: " + shape[0].getArea());
System.out.println("Area of the Rectangle: " + shape[1].getArea());
Arguments must be different in the case of overloading.
int add(int num1, int num2) int add(int num1, int num2, int num3 ) int add(int num1, int num2, int num3, int num4 )
#dynamic or runtime polymorphism
Shape obj1 = new Circle(3); Shape obj2 = new Rectangle(2, 3); obj1.getArea(); obj2.getArea();
obj1.getArea() will execute getArea() method of the subclass Circle class.
obj2.getArea() will execute getArea() method of the subclass Rectangle class.
showing only the essential features of an object to the user and hiding the inner details to reduce complexity.
TV Vol Up Car Driving
Math.min() class
Abstract Classes Interfaces
public abstract void methodName(parameter(s));
abstract class ClassName {
// Implementation here
interface interfaceName {
// Code goes here
An interface can have:
- abstract method(s)
- default method(s)
- static method(s)
- private method(s)
- private static method(s)
- public static final variable(s)
Interfaces allow us to achieve 100% abstraction. Interfaces can be used to achieve multiple inheritance.