
Robomechtrix Workspace For ROS

Primary LanguageCMake


Robomechtrix Workspace For ROS

This repo includes how to build a robot using ROS URDF.

Dependencies for the package

Xacro - sudo apt-get install ros-<version>-xacro
Gazebo - sudo apt-get install ros-<version>-gazebo-ros

If you are here after the first video on ROS URDF

To clone, build and run the ROS package

git clone https://github.com/PranaliDesai/robomechtrix_ws.git
cd robomechtrix_ws
git checkout URDF-1
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch trixy world.launch

If you are here after the second video on ROS URDF

To clone, build and run the ROS package

git clone https://github.com/PranaliDesai/robomechtrix_ws.git
cd robomechtrix_ws
git checkout URDF-2
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch trixy world.launch

If you are here after the third video on ROS URDF

To clone, build and run the ROS package

git clone https://github.com/PranaliDesai/robomechtrix_ws.git
cd robomechtrix_ws
git checkout URDF-3
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch trixy world.launch