
TestScenario : 1.Open Amazon.in(https://www.amazon.in) 2.search for frames available 3.Click first frame(in here Link to Laptops) 4.This opens new window with Laptops. Switch to new window. 5.Select/Click desrired configured laptops. 6.Sort by Avg. customer reviews 7.CLick on the very first laptop in the list ==> opens in new window 8.Switch to new window 9.click add to cart button. 10.CLose add to cart window and then switch back to Laptops window 11.Close laptops window and switch to main/parent window. 12.Click the second frame from 2nd step here. ==> This opens new window with Home products 13.Switch to new window 14.Select desired type of Item(Here indoor lights) 15.Select Ceiling lights under indoor lights 16.Click on the very first item in the list 17.CLose add to cart window and then switch back to main/parent window. 18.Refresh window to check the cart is updated 19.Click on cart and get no.of items in your cart and Total amount