
Problem Statement:

  • 1. Write test to validate that the team has only 4 foreign players
  • 2. Write test to validate that their is atleast 1 wicket keeper

Libraries Used

Dependency Version Feature
Java 19 Programming languages
TestNG 7.6.1 Test cases
jackson-databind 2.14.1 JSON Object Mapper to convert JSON object to Pojo Class Object
lombok 1.18.24 Annotations used to enable a Pojo class with getters and getters

Design Principles

OOPs Concept Implementation Advantages
Interface IJsonService.java Overriden methods gives capability to have runtime(dynamic) Polymorphism
Abstract Class PlayerServiceImpl.java This abstract class having abstract methods making it very dynamic keeping future enhancements in mind
Inheritence TeamServiceImpl.java By implementing IJsonService.java and extending PlayerServiceImpl.java, this class gives framework flexibility implement overriden methods and also to overload those methods
Java 8 concepts Streams Used to collect Objects as Arrays streams, apply filters, return distinct elements, count of elements
java.nio.file.Path Paths.get("src", "test", "resources") Used to get a path based on the folder name,filter files based on fileName

Project Structure

  • src/main/java
  • src/test/java

Testcase Design

TestNG Annotation Method Implementation Purpose
BeforeClass submitTeamPlayerDetails This method executes once for all those @Test methods in this class. So, submitting TeamRCB.json file logic is handle here so that teamRCB data is available for all testcases related to Team RCB
Test validateTeamHasForeignPlayersCount This Testcase is to validate if team is having expected foreign players
Test validateTeamHasRolePlayer This Testcase is to validate if team is having expected wicket-keeping players
AfterClass approveTeam This method executes once after all test cases executed in this class scope. Soft assertion is handled here to validate the team submitted to approve without any issues

Test Exectuion

Mode Of Execution Steps to Execute
TestNG : @Test method Right click on @Test method, execute.
Maven command mvn clean test

Test Reports

Tests Reports Location
TestNG Reports target/surefire-reports/