
This application was made for CS241: Software Implementation Course at USP. It is a system which handles gym booking.

Primary LanguageHTML

UniFit - Fitness Facility Booking System

UniFit is a fitness facility booking system built with Spring Boot, MySQL, and SendGrid API.

Booking Page
Admin Dashboard
Facility Selection


  • User Authentication: Secure user registration and login.
  • Facility Booking: Browse and book fitness facilities based on availability.
  • Booking Management: View and manage your booking details.
  • Admin Dashboard: Admins can manage facilities, bookings, and user accounts.

Technologies Used

  • Spring Boot: Backend framework for building Java-based applications.
  • MySQL: Relational database for storing application data.
  • SendGrid API: Used for sending email notifications.

Getting Started

To run UniFit locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Pranav-XP/unifit-booking.git
  2. Configure your MySQL database and update application.properties.

  3. Set up your SendGrid API key for email notifications.

  4. Build and run the application:

    ./mvnw spring-boot:run
  5. Access the application at http://localhost:8080.


  • Visit the homepage to browse available facilities.
  • Register or log in to make a booking.
  • Admins can access the admin dashboard to manage facilities and bookings.
  • Admin credentials is given in SetUpLoader config. PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS IN PRODUCTION!!

Feature Ideas

  • Add payment integration
  • Create more fleshed out user notification system
  • Tidy up maintenance scheduling module or make it its own module

Package by Feature

  • Promotes Best Practices
  • High cohesion
  • Low coupling
  • High modularity
  • Encapsulation (Minimize Scope)
  • Allows some classes to set their access modifier package-private instead of public.
  • Modularity
  • Since each package is limited to classes related to a particular feature, it is easy to break code down into a microservice later on.
  • Maintainability
  • Reduces the need to navigate between packages since all classes needed for a feature are in the same package.
  • Testability
  • Since classes are not public, they can only be accessed by tests in the same package. This allows you to write more focused tests.
  • Domain Driven Design
  • Promotes Domain Driven Design

Package by Layer

  • Promotes Best Practice (❌)
  • Low cohesion
  • High coupling
  • Low modularity
  • Encapsulation (❌)
  • Most classes must be public
  • Modularity (❌)
  • Since each layer is limited to classes related to a particular layer, it is difficult to break code down into a microservice later on.
  • Maintainability (❌)
  • Since classes are scattered across packages, it is difficult to find the class you are looking for.
  • Testability (❌)
  • Since classes are public, they can be accessed by tests in any package. This allows you to write less focused tests.
  • Domain Driven Design (❌)
  • Promotes Database Driven Design


This project was done as a requirement for CS241 University of the South Pacific. No contributions are required.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.