
Public Transit Route Generator as a part of assignment of Chalo

Primary LanguageCSS

Public Transit Route Generator

This Project aims at building Public Transit Route repository from a series of Stops available. It also includes CRUD, Map viewing and export functionalities.

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/Pranav4399/chalo.git

Go to the project directory

  cd chalo

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run start


The Project is built using ReactJS and also includes few external react specific packages for implementing certain functionalities. The packages used will be described in detail in the upcoming sections.

How it Works

For the assignment purpose, the application uses a local json (Line 9 in App.js) that contains set of stop objects along with different essential keys.

● Stop Id ● Stop Name ● Latitude ● Longitude

This can also be eventually converted into a functionality that fetches list of stops from an API.

The application can perform CRUD operations with routes.

Localstorage is used as a temporary storage for the purpose of storing the created/updated routes.

The create route form uses a external package react-draggable-multi-select for implementation of stop selection.

Other features.

  1. Map view

The website also allows viewing of routes as polyline in maps on a button click. React-leaflet package is used to implement the web maps

  1. Export Routes

All the routes can be exported in an excel file using Export Routes button.

Gist of functionalities implemented -

  1. Functionalities
  • Create a single route by submitting a simple form
  • Update route properties.
  • Delete route(s).
  • View route in a list interface and on a map.
  • Generate and visualise a polyline passing through the stops on the map using Google map apis.
  1. Brownie Points
  • Option to Display multiple Route on a map.
  • Usage of non-volatile Data.
  • Export data.
  • Batch upload of routes.



These are few of the issues/improvements which I'd love to implement in upcoming versions of this project.

  • Write Unit tests.
  • Implement other missed out brownie points functionalities.