
In this project, multiple Python libraries are used to deeply analyze a large dataset provided by the International Organization for Migration to investigate problems that refugees and migrant workers face in their journeys. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is an organization that provides services concerning migration to governments, migrants and refugees, and migrant workers. Each year many migrants go dead or missing along different routes throughout the world. IOM's Missing Migrants Project tracks deaths of migrants, including refugees and asylum-seekers, who have gone dead or missing along migration routes worldwide. With a count surpassing 30,000 lives lost during migration since 2014, IOM describes it as “an epidemic of crime and abuse.” This project uses multiple Python libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib, in order to identify where and how most cases of dead and missing migrants occur and to help people around the world understand what these migrants go through to help stop what could become a calamity. Twelve deeply analyzed graphs were created in order to better comprehend the large multi-year dataset provided by IOM. This project applies to less-developed countries with refugees and asylum seekers trying to escape their home countries. Multiple different libraries for different visualizations have been used in the analysis. The different visualizations used include bar graphs, grouped bar graphs with same labels, grouped bar graphs with different labels, word clouds, and basemap. The major region of death from 2014 to 2019 turned out to be the US-Mexico border with 1,596 deaths, over 200 deaths greater than that of North Africa. The major cause of death is drowning. From 2014 to 2019 drowning has caused 1,115 deaths. These refugees and asylum seekers are looking for a better living space, not trying to start a war for the country they are fleeing from. The data provided by the IOM has metadata for six years of migration incidents from 2014 to 2019 including 15 unique regions of incidents, 272 different causes of death, and 16 migration routes throughout the world. The analysis done by this project allows for new thought and ideas for migration for refugees and asylum seekers. The goal here is to supplement IOM’s efforts in advocacy for the safety of migrants and refugees. This project provides a clear explanation on the fatalities occurring during migration with its unique graphs. The graphs visualize the general numbers during migration instead of the common visualization technique of specific regions. The analysis done by this project will allow people around the world to focus on the locations of where the most incidents occur, to ensure safer migration routes, and to be aware of the causes of death as well as the number of incidents that occur around the world.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT
