Song Genre Classifier


A classifier which can classify the genre of an English song, given its lyrics. The classifier is based on Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier machine learning algorithm.

Steps to run the classifier

  1. Clone this repository in your local system and unzip all files.
  2. Create a directory called 'data' in the directory where this repository has been cloned.
  3. Shift the following files into the 'data' directory:
  • english_cleaned_lyrics.csv
  • original_cleaned_lyrics.csv
  • lyrics_to_predict.csv
  1. Open the 'lyrics_to_predict.csv' file and enter lyrics of every song to be predicted in successive lines, as given by default in the file.
  2. Run the 'source_code.ipynb' notebook.

PS: Apologies for inaccuracies 😁