
A narrative sidescroller set in the Antarctica. This is a game being developed as an entry to [Women in games Jam](https://itch.io/jam/women-in-games-jam).

Primary LanguageC#

A Mother's Call


A narrative sidescroller set in the Antarctica. This is a game being developed as an entry to Women in games Jam.

Workflow Conventions

Folder Naming

  • Never use Spaces in names.
  • Use PascalCase.
  • Prefer a deep folder structure over having long asset names. Directory names should be as concise as possible, prefer one or two words. If a directory name is too long, it probably makes sense to split it into sub directories.
  • Try to have only one file type per folder. Use Textures/Trees, Models/Trees and not Trees/Textures, Trees/Models. That way its easy to set up root directories for the different software involved, for example, Substance Painter would always be set to save to the Textures directory.
  • Use the asset type for the parent directory: Trees/Jungle, Trees/City not Jungle/Trees, City/Trees. Since it makes it easier to compare similar assets from different art sets to ensure continuity across art sets.

Asset Naming

  • Keep the most specific descriptor to the last: VampireDark and not DarkVampire, TreeSmall and not SmallTree.

  • For textures use the following suffixes:

    Suffix Texture
    _D Albedo
    _S Specular
    _R Roughness
    _M Metallic
    _N Normal
    _H Height
    _B Displacement/Bump
    _E Emission
    _AO Ambient Occlusion
    _Mask Mask

    It is good practice to use a single texture to combine black and white masks in a single texture split by each RGB channel. For such texture combine the suffixes in the order of RGB.

Directory Structure

|   +---Materials
|   +---Models      # FBX and BLEND files
|   +---Textures    # PNG files
|   +---Music
|   \---Sound       # Samples and sound effects
|   +---Scripts     # C# scripts
|   \---Shaders     # Shader files and shader graphs
+---Narrative       # The narrative arc and ink scripts.
+---Docs            # Wiki, concept art, marketing material
+---Level           # Anything related to game design in Unity
|   +---Prefabs
|   +---Scenes
|   \---UI
\---Resources       # Configuration files, localization text and other user files.


Third-party assets

The following assets were used as-is or with modifications in compliance to the licenses attached to them.