The country has always been striving to get education to the commons in the most lucrative way possible. Educational resources and measures to improve its discourse comes under the category.
- A platform for University Students to share Documents such as Exam Papers and Study Material.
- Users can Upload/Download Documents shared by Users.
- Users can follow subjects, semesters and branches to receive updates when a new document is uploaded for that subject/semester/branch.
- Users can schedule reminders to downloads documents.
- Java
- Android SDK
- Firebase SDK
- Architecture Components
- ButterKnife
- CustomFloatingActionButton
- DebugDB
- Dexter
- Firebase-Firestore
- Firebase-Storage
- Firebase-UI
- Glide
- MaterialDrawer
- MLKit
- Logger
- Stetho
Home Screen |
Login Screen |
Navigation Drawer |
Profile Screen |
Upload Screen |
Upload Screen |
Upload Screen |
Upload Screen |
Upload Screen |
Search Screen |
Following Screen |
Following Screen |
Team[0] - Pranav Vyas, Tirth Patel