Courier Tracking System with Tkinter and MySQL

Table of Contents


The Courier Tracking System is a Python application that uses the Tkinter library for creating a graphical user interface (GUI) to interact with a MySQL database. This system allows users to track courier deliveries, cancel deliveries, update delivery addresses, and register new users.


  • Fetch courier information by providing a delivery ID and password.
  • Cancel deliveries, removing associated records from the database.
  • Update delivery addresses for existing deliveries.
  • Register new users, storing their information in the database.
  • Display retrieved courier information in a user-friendly interface.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Python 3.x installed on your system.
  • Tkinter library for the GUI interface.
  • mysql-connector-python library for connecting to the MySQL database.
  • PIL (Python Imaging Library) for handling images (you can install it using pip install pillow).

Getting Started


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine using git clone.

Running the Application

  1. Navigate to the project directory.
  2. Run the Python script using your preferred Python interpreter.

How to Use

Fetching Courier Information

  1. Enter the delivery ID and password in the respective entry fields.
  2. Click the "FETCH" button to retrieve courier information.

Canceling Deliveries

  1. Enter the delivery ID and password in the respective entry fields.
  2. Click the "CANCEL" button to cancel the delivery and remove associated records from the database.

Updating Delivery Addresses

  1. Enter the delivery ID, password, and the updated delivery address in the respective entry fields.
  2. Click the "UPDATE ADDRESS" button to update the delivery address in the database.

User Registration

  1. Enter user information, including name, username, password, user ID, and address in the respective entry fields.
  2. Click the "Create" button to register the new user and store their information in the database.

Database Configuration

Ensure that you have a MySQL database named "courier_tracking" set up on your local system. The code assumes a specific database schema, so you may need to configure the database accordingly.


  • tkinter
  • mysql-connector-python
  • pillow (PIL)

You can install these dependencies using pip if they are not already installed.


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch.
  3. Make your contributions.
  4. Create a pull request.

Feel free to customize this README file to include additional information about your project or any specific instructions for your users. Providing clear and comprehensive documentation will help others understand and use your project effectively.