Pranavtechie's Following
- allenkuttookaransajan
- anubhav-ps
- apratimshukla6@apache
- bhargaviren
- bhatvikrant@Razorpay
- bic-vitchennaiIndia
- brentius
- ByteByteGoHq
- CHandmerLos Angeles, California
- codedamn-engineeringIndia
- codediodeioFireship LLC
- codeguage-code
- codewithdevD.E Shaw & Co
- colinhacksBun
- djedrzejakAtos
- fireship-io
- IamAfnanSkAtlan
- Jaish19Electronics corporation of India Ltd.
- Jarred-SumnerSan Francisco, CA
- karpathyStanford
- KeshrafIndia, Earth
- knadhZerodha
- lem0n4idmumbai, india
- Mayank-Sh07codedamn
- mohanrajmitMadras Institute of Technology
- pythongiantNew Delhi | Chennai, India
- rachelnaborsAmazon
- reactjsEverywhere
- rishabhrao@codedamn
- SoujanyaPonnapalliUniversity of California, Berkeley
- therealsujitkIndia
- timemaster-app
- twitter
- vasanthk@Pinterest
- whitep4nth3rSentry