Electronics Engineer from the University of Mumbai.Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence Enthusiast.
University of Texas at Dallas
Pinned Repositories
•A two-wheel drive was designed using Arduino Uno R3 and an Adafruit Motor Driver. The vehicle was designed in such a way that it could be controlled by an android phone via Bluetooth.•A Bluetooth sensor (HC-06) was used to receive the instructions from the android phone.•Two TT motors were used which were controlled by the Adafruit motor driver shield using AFMotor libraries in the Arduino IDE.•The controls included a forward, reverse, left and right button to control the device. A portable power source is connected to the chassis to make the project portable and convenient.
Advanced Operating Systems Project - Implementing MAP Protocol(Distributed Systems)
•An Ultrasonic sensor and a 16X2 LCD display were interfaced using Arduino Uno R3 Microcontroller to measure the distance from the sensor to an obstacle placed in front of it.•The LiquidCrystal.h library was used to calibrate the LCD Screen and the distance was measured in cm.•In case of an unavailability of LCD display, a Serial Monitor program was made to display the distance on the Arduino IDE using a USB connector.
● Designed a circuit using Arduino Uno R3 controller that reads movement as input when user moves the device in the shape of an alphabet or number in x-y coordinate plane in air ● Developed an object-oriented Python code, a library to store various gesture samples and a dictionary to improve predictive text before displaying on screen with very high accuracy ● Implemented a feasible way of typing without having to carry large keyboards and provided spacebar and backspace features to user for changing the text on the fly
This set of Notebooks provides a complete set of code to be able to train and leverage your own custom object detection model using the Tensorflow Object Detection API.
● Designed a microcontroller circuit that recognizes hand gestures made by glove with embedded flex sensors, and translates them into text and speech using peripheral interface controller (PIC) ● Used APR9600 record/replay IC to associate the input gesture to the appropriate recorded voice sample from its flash analogue storage exhibiting high quality speech output ● Focused on simplifying the conversation process amongst the differently abled (deaf and dumb)
•This project is made using a group of 64 LEDs in a grid of 4X4X4, with commonly connected cathodes and anodes in the shape of a cube.•It has 16 terminals to handle the 16 (4*4) columns and 3 terminals to control the rows/levels.•A well-timed code of just blinking LEDs can be made interesting using this technique.•All the LEDs can be controlled individually and delays can be set accordingly to make beautiful patterns over a 3d cube.
•This is a project that represents the interfacing between a Passive Infrared Sensor and Arduino Uno R3. •A PIR sensor is used to detect motion and a microcontroller can be used as an interfacing device to control the sensor.•A LED is used as an indicator to indicate the motion detected by the PIR sensor. Whenever there is motion in front of the sensor, The LED switches ON. The LED resets and switches OFF after a point and the sensor goes back to detecting any motion.•If the sensor is low for more than the given pause, it is assumed that no more motion is going to happen and the sensor automatically resets.
● Developed an electronic circuit that uses light as a faster medium to transmit sound signals ● Input sound is converted and fed to a LASER at the transmission end and captured as light on a solar panel at the receiver end which is then provided to a speaker output ● Achieved a clear and long ranged output with wire-free transmission process at the speed of light
•This is a program used to make a TFT touchscreen calculator that performs all the basic operations with a visually appealing user interface.•This project requires an Arduino UNO R3 and a TFT Arduino shield.•Arduino IDLE is used to compile and upload the code and libraries like Adafruit_gfx Mcufriend_kbv are used to calibrate the TFT touchscreen.•Features like an editable welcome message, touch to proceed screen and a reset button is also provided for convenience.
PranaySadavarte's Repositories
● Designed a microcontroller circuit that recognizes hand gestures made by glove with embedded flex sensors, and translates them into text and speech using peripheral interface controller (PIC) ● Used APR9600 record/replay IC to associate the input gesture to the appropriate recorded voice sample from its flash analogue storage exhibiting high quality speech output ● Focused on simplifying the conversation process amongst the differently abled (deaf and dumb)
● Developed an electronic circuit that uses light as a faster medium to transmit sound signals ● Input sound is converted and fed to a LASER at the transmission end and captured as light on a solar panel at the receiver end which is then provided to a speaker output ● Achieved a clear and long ranged output with wire-free transmission process at the speed of light
● Designed a circuit using Arduino Uno R3 controller that reads movement as input when user moves the device in the shape of an alphabet or number in x-y coordinate plane in air ● Developed an object-oriented Python code, a library to store various gesture samples and a dictionary to improve predictive text before displaying on screen with very high accuracy ● Implemented a feasible way of typing without having to carry large keyboards and provided spacebar and backspace features to user for changing the text on the fly
•This is a program used to make a TFT touchscreen calculator that performs all the basic operations with a visually appealing user interface.•This project requires an Arduino UNO R3 and a TFT Arduino shield.•Arduino IDLE is used to compile and upload the code and libraries like Adafruit_gfx Mcufriend_kbv are used to calibrate the TFT touchscreen.•Features like an editable welcome message, touch to proceed screen and a reset button is also provided for convenience.
•A two-wheel drive was designed using Arduino Uno R3 and an Adafruit Motor Driver. The vehicle was designed in such a way that it could be controlled by an android phone via Bluetooth.•A Bluetooth sensor (HC-06) was used to receive the instructions from the android phone.•Two TT motors were used which were controlled by the Adafruit motor driver shield using AFMotor libraries in the Arduino IDE.•The controls included a forward, reverse, left and right button to control the device. A portable power source is connected to the chassis to make the project portable and convenient.
Advanced Operating Systems Project - Implementing MAP Protocol(Distributed Systems)
•An Ultrasonic sensor and a 16X2 LCD display were interfaced using Arduino Uno R3 Microcontroller to measure the distance from the sensor to an obstacle placed in front of it.•The LiquidCrystal.h library was used to calibrate the LCD Screen and the distance was measured in cm.•In case of an unavailability of LCD display, a Serial Monitor program was made to display the distance on the Arduino IDE using a USB connector.
This set of Notebooks provides a complete set of code to be able to train and leverage your own custom object detection model using the Tensorflow Object Detection API.
•This project is made using a group of 64 LEDs in a grid of 4X4X4, with commonly connected cathodes and anodes in the shape of a cube.•It has 16 terminals to handle the 16 (4*4) columns and 3 terminals to control the rows/levels.•A well-timed code of just blinking LEDs can be made interesting using this technique.•All the LEDs can be controlled individually and delays can be set accordingly to make beautiful patterns over a 3d cube.
•This is a project that represents the interfacing between a Passive Infrared Sensor and Arduino Uno R3. •A PIR sensor is used to detect motion and a microcontroller can be used as an interfacing device to control the sensor.•A LED is used as an indicator to indicate the motion detected by the PIR sensor. Whenever there is motion in front of the sensor, The LED switches ON. The LED resets and switches OFF after a point and the sensor goes back to detecting any motion.•If the sensor is low for more than the given pause, it is assumed that no more motion is going to happen and the sensor automatically resets.
•A four-wheel drive vehicle was made using Arduino Uno R3 and a motor shield over it. An ultrasonic sensor was used to detect obstacles and a program was made to move away when and obstacle is detected.•The model consisted of an ultrasonic sensor and a servo motor for a complete surveillance for the obstacle.•Four TT motors were used to drive the wheels along with the chassis. The microcontroller and its motor shield is connected to a portable battery source to make this project completely portable and self-sufficient.
•A Four-Wheel Drive (4WD) that could be controlled by a phone over Wi-Fi was made by using a NodeMCU 8266. •A motor driver shield was used alongside the NodeMCU in order to control the four motors of the vehicle. •An Android app is used as a Graphic user interface for the user to control the motors wirelessly by the means of Wi-Fi. •The four motors work individually and thus can manage to turn around without any hassle as opposed to a two-wheel drive.