
Chat Microservices Authentication API Overview

This microservice is an integral part of the Chat application's microservices architecture. It focuses on user authentication and provides endpoints for user sign-up, login, and administrative operations related to user management within different organizations. Installation

Clone this repository.
Install dependencies using npm install.
Set up your environment variables.
Run the application using npm start.

Microservices Architecture

This authentication API is part of a larger microservices architecture for the Chat application. Other microservices may include message handling, user profile management, and more. Usage Sign Up Endpoint

POST /:organizationID/signup


Creates a new user account within the specified organization. Request Body

username: User's username password: User's password

Login Endpoint

POST /:organizationID/login


Logs in a user within the specified organization. Request Body

username: User's username password: User's password

Update User Endpoint

PUT /:organizationID/signup


Updates user information within the specified organization. Request Body

username: User's username password: User's password

Admin Operations Get All Users Endpoint

GET /admin


Retrieves a list of all users for administrative purposes. Get User by ID Endpoint

GET /admin/:userId


Retrieves user information by user ID for administrative purposes. Delete User by ID Endpoint

DELETE /admin/:userId


Deletes a user account by user ID for administrative purposes. Environment Variables

PORT: The port on which the server will run.
DB_URI: MongoDB connection URI.


Fork the repository.
Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
Make your changes and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.