
Deep FeedForward Neural Network based Model Building Attack Tool on PUF

Primary LanguagePython


Deep FeedForward Neural Network based Model Building Attack Tool on PUF


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

python >= 3.6
tensorflow >= 2.0

Other important packages required in python:

Running the tests

For running the tests, go to the respective PUF folder and execute

python dfnn_attack.py --challenge=<path>XOR_APUF_Binary_chal_64_500000.csv  --response=<path>/4-xorpuf.csv  \
                      --features=parity --level=1 --verbose=0

For more options:
python dfnn_attack.py -h
usage: dfnn_attack.py [-h] [-c path] [-r path] [-f FEATURES] [-l LEVEL]
                      [-v VERBOSE]

Deep learning based model building attack tool on PUF

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c path, --challenge path
                        the path to challenges CSV file
  -r path, --response path
                        the path to response CSV file
  -f FEATURES, --features FEATURES
                        To convert the challenges to feature vectors
  -l LEVEL, --level LEVEL
                        level specifies the first-level test (0.5 million
                        CRPs) or second level test ( <= 1.5 million)
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        verbose=10 enables the epoch prints and verbose=0
                        disables it