Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Supervisor
  4. Acknowledgments

About the Project

This is the backend part the E-Commerce Site linked here. This part contains the database queries and rest-api

Libraries Used

This whole frontend is built with the following libraries:

  1. Node Js
  2. OracleDB

Here Nodejs is providing the backend server and OracleDB library is used for database query

Getting Started

Follow the step by step installation procedure to install and run this on your machine


Make sure you have node and oracle installed in your device.

NodeJs: Install Nodejs from here

Oracle:Install Oracle from here and register for an account of to complete the installation

Yarn:Go to terminal and run the following command npm install --global yarn To check if it is installed properly, run the following command yarn --version If you see the version properly, you are ready to go to the next section

VS Code Setup:(Not mandatory..But very useful for web projects)Install VS Code from here and setup accordingly


Getting the repository

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
  2. you can also download the zip if you don't have git installed

  3. After installation or download go to the repository and open command line.

  4. Install yarn packages and node modules


Setting up the database

  1. Go to sql plus

  2. Enter credentials

    username: sys as sysdba
    password: password
  3. Create a new user c##username

create user c##your_prefered_username identified by youer_prefered_password;
grant dba to c##username

here 'your_prefered_username' will be replaced with any username you prefer and same for your_prefered_password

  1. The SQL DUMP file is located in Shopify_Database_Dump.sql

  2. Move to a DATABASE GUI ( Datagrip/ Navicat ) according to your preference and Connect to the user you created in step 3

  3. Import data from sql file depending upon the GUI or run the sql codes in a new query. This will create an entire database for you ♥️

  4. We are ready now for backend action

Setting up the environment variables

create a new file .env in the root directory. And the file should have the followings

JWT_SECRET_KEY= a random secret key

If you followed the above then the .env should look like this

DB_USER= c##your_prefered_username 
DB_PASS= youer_prefered_password
PORT= 8800

Run the project

Go to your favourite code editor and run

yarn start

You should find a line in the console..backend server is running at port (the port you provided)..All set


  • Fazle Alahi Mukim - 1805083

  • Prangon Chakraborty - 1805085


  • Tahmid Hasan (তাহমিদ হাসান)

    • Lecturer


      Cell: +8801718-765876


      Department of Computer Science and Engineering Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

