
Github repository containing the submission for Cuvette Codoctober Hackathon 2021 by team Hardcoders

Primary LanguageEJS


Github repository containing the submission for Cuvette Codoctober Hackathon 2021 by team Hardcoders


  • /user Routes

Get /user/signup Signup Page Route

Get /user/login Login Page Route

Post /user/signup Signup a new user(POST)

Post /user/login Login an existing user(POST)

Get user/logout Logout a logged in user

  • Other user Routes

Get /user/tracks Route to get all the tracks of the logged In user

Post /user/tracks Route to add a new track with milestones and each milstone contains resources

Get /user/profile Route to view the profile of the logged In user

Get /user/public-profile/:name Route to view the public profile of the user with unique name

Post /user/profile Route to Edit user profile details

Get /user/notes Route to get all the notes of the logged In user

Post /user/notes Route to add a new note

  • /forum Routes

Get /forum Route to render forum/Discussion page

  • Other forum Routes

Post /forum/create Post route to create a new discussion/question

Get /forum/view/:id Route to view a particular discussion thread

Post /forum/answer/:id Route to answer a particular question