
This dish consists of ingredients like GraphQL and Prisma which are made on NodeJS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

If you are trying to understand the codebase this might help.

Graphql Prisma Bindings

Prisma Binding provides a high level API to interact with database.

Talking about prisma.js file

  • Query Operations

Just use prisma.query to query anything.

Example We can pass query in the parameters.

Parameters => (Operation_args, selection_set)

// Promise Version
prisma.query.users(null, '{ id name posts {id title body} }').then(data => {
  console.log(JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2));

//async-await version.
const users = async () => {
  const usersList = await prisma.query.users(
    '{ id name posts {id title body} }'
  return usersList;

  .then(users => {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2));
  .catch(e => {
  • Mutation Operations

Just use prisma.mutation to perform mutation operations.

// Promise Version
    data: {
      title: 'This is updated',
      body: 'Its updated!!! from dsef..',
      published: true
    where: {
      id: 'cjures4qi00380789t104pvi2'
  .then(data => {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(undefined, data, 2));

// Async-await version.
const updatePostForUser = async (postId, data) => {
  const postExists = prisma.exists.Post({
    id: postId

  if (!postExists) {
    throw new Error('Post not exists');
  const author = await prisma.mutation.updatePost(
      data: {
      where: {
        id: postId
    '{ author { id name email } }'

  return author;
  • Exists

    To check if some data exists it returns true or false. Example:
const postExists = prisma.exists.Post({
  id: postId

const userExists = prisma.exists.User({
  id: 'abc123'