Systems for wireless power transfer (WPT) do not use any wires to move electricity from a source to a load. Due to their advantages over their wired counter parts, such as the lack of exposed wires, simplicity of charging, and fearless transmission of power under challenging environmental circumstances, WPTs are appealing for many industrial applications. Some businesses are interested in using WPTs to recharge electric vehicles (EV) on-board batteries, and work is being done to create and enhance the many related topologies. WPT is made possible by a low- cost inductive coupling between the transmitter and receiver coils. Transmitter coils are buried in the road for EV charging applications, while receiver coils are installed inside the vehicle. Due to its higher efficiency, inductive WPT of the resonant type is frequently utilized for medium-high power transfer applications like EV charging. Wireless Power Transfer(WPT) systems transfer electric energy from a source to a load without any wired connection. WPTs are attractive for many industrial applications because of their advantages compared to the wired counterpart, such as no exposed wires, ease of charging, and fearless transmission of power in adverse environmental conditions. Adoption of WPTs to charge the on- board batteries of an electric vehicle (EV)has got attention from some companies, and effortsare being made for development and improvement of the various associated topologies. WPT is achieved through the affordable inductive coupling between two coils termed as transmitter and receiver coil. In EV charging applications, transmitter coils are buried in the road and receiver coils are placed in the vehicle. Inductive WPT of resonant type is commonly used for medium- high power transfer applications like EV charging because it exhibits a greater efficiency. WPT is made possible by the reasonably priced inductive coupling of two coils, known as the transmitter and receiver coils. Transmitter coils for EV charging are buried in the pavement, while receiver coils are installed inside the car. Due to its higher efficiency, resonant inductive WPT is frequently utilised for medium-high power transfer applications such as EV charging.