
Environment for Markov Decision Processes in Gymnasium (formerly OpenGym)

Primary LanguagePython

Markov Decision Processes

This repository is an implementation of Markov Decision Processes in Gymnasium (used to be Gym) in Python. The code is placed inside the src/ folder, and the main environment is implemented as a Gymnasium environment in src/mdp.py. The Value Iteration algorithm has also been implemented in src/value_iterations.py.


The class implements a discounted reward MDP with a strategy profile f. For the moment, both files are testing the following MDP:

- State 1 State 2 State 3
Action 1 -5 | (0.9,0,0.1) 5 | (0,1,0) 20 | (0.9,0.1,0)
Action 2 10 | (0,1,0) 0 | (0.8,0.2,0) undef

with a discount factor $\beta = 0.8$, which should have the optimal values $v_\beta = [28.9, 25, 42.8]$.

mdp.py can be run as follows:

python src/mdp.py <initial-state>

Note that in the implementation, all states are zero-indexed i.e. State 1 from the MDP defined above is implemented as State 0 in the code.

Value Iterations

value_iterations.py implements the direct iterative VI algorithm to test the MDP class. This can be run directly via

python src/value_iterations.py

which will return the optimal values and policy for the same MDP. This can be compared by runnning the mdp.py file for different initial states.