
DuckDuckGo instant answer plugins based on JavaScript APIs

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DuckDuckHack Spice

This documentation walks you through the process of writing a DuckDuckHack Spice plugin. Before reading this section, make sure you've read the DuckDuckHack Intro Site and the DuckDuckHack Developer's Overview. If you're here to brush up on Spice-related info, go ahead and scroll down. If you're here to learn how to write Spice plugins, head on over to the Spice Overview.


quixey example

Advanced Spice Development

##Advanced Spice Handlers These advanced handle function techniques are specific to Spice plugins:

Multiple parameters in spice_to call. If you need to substitute multiple parameters into the API call like how the RandWord Spice uses two numbers to specify the min and max length of the random word, you can use from keyword.

spice from => '(?:([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)|)';

Whatever you return from the handle function gets sent to this spice from regexp, which then gets fed into the spice to API.

spice to => 'http://api.wordnik.com/v4/words.json/randomWord?minLength=$1&maxLength=$2&api_key={{ENV{DDG_SPICE_RANDWORD_APIKEY}}}&callback={{callback}}';

In this case, the two capture blocks will be put into $1 and $2 respectively.

The reason why you do not need to specify a from keyword by default is that the default is (.*), which means whatever you return gets put into $1.

Feeding multiple arguments to spice from. You can have multiple return values in your handle function like the AlternativeTo Spice.

return $prog, $platform, $license;

In this case they are URL encoded and joined together with '/' chars, e.g. in this case $prog/$platform/$license. Then that full string is fed into the spice from regexp.

spice from => '([^/]+)/?(?:([^/]+)/?(?:([^/]+)|)|)';

API Keys. Some APIs require API keys to function properly like in the RandWord Spice. You can insert an API key for testing in the callback function and replace it with a variable reference when submitting.

spice to => 'http://api.wordnik.com/v4/words.json/randomWord?minLength=$1&maxLength=$2&api_key={{ENV{DDG_SPICE_RANDWORD_APIKEY}}}&callback={{callback}}';

You can set the variable when you start duckpan server like this:

DDG_SPICE_RANDWORD_APIKEY=xyz duckpan server

JSON -> JSONP. Some APIs don't do JSONP by default, i.e. don't have the ability to return the JSON object to a callback function. In this case, first you should try to contact the API provider and see if it can be added. Where it cannot, you can tell us to wrap the JSON object return in a callback function like in the XKCD Spice.

spice wrap_jsonp_callback => 1;

Pure JS functions. Sometimes no external API is necessary to deliver the instant answer like how the Flash Version Spice just prints out your Flash Player version using an internal call.

In cases like these you can define a spice_call_type as 'self' like this:

spice call_type => 'self';

Then in the handle function you can return call, e.g.:

return $_ eq 'flash version' ? call : ();

The return of call will run whatever is in the call_type setting. self is a special keyword to just run the callback function directly, in this case ddg_spice_flash_version().

No caching of the external API call. By default, we cache return values from external providers for speed. We use nginx and get this functionality by using the proxy_cache_valid directive. You can override our default behavior by setting your own proxy_cache_valid directive like in the RandWord Spice.

spice proxy_cache_valid => "418 1d";

This is a special declaration that says don't cache. Actually it says cache only 418 HTTP return values for 1 day. Since regular return codes are 200 and 304, nothing will get cached.

If you wanted to say cache those normal values for 1h, you could do:

spice proxy_cache_valid => "200 304 1d";