
A modern looking music player -- Built with HTML 5 Audio API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Fancy-Music-Player [Link]

A modern looking music player -- Built with HTML 5 Audio API

Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS (No Framework!), HTML5 Audio API.


SEE On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LSp9cZDm6U&ab_channel=prasenjitsutradhar


  • Here we used html5 audio element without controls attributes, so that we can control things with javascript.
  • We have stored all image, song, artist in form of object and put them inside an array.
  • On the page load, one song from the song array get selected and populated in the player with help of loadSong function.
  • When an user click on play icon, it'll first check whether a song is playing or not. To do that, there is a variable isPlaying which is set to false by default.
  • Now if a song is not playing, then the playSong function get executed which leads to change isPlaying to true and turn play icon into pause icon and execute play method on audio element to start playing the song.
  • But if a song is playing, then the pauseSong function get executed which leads to change isPlaying to false and turn pause icon into play icon and execute pause method on audio element to stop playing the song.
  • Next, on click of Previous Song, Next Song button, these two functions prevSong, nextSong get executed accordingly, which basically increase / decrease the global variable songIndex & pass it to loadSong function. Atlast, execute playSong function.
  • Next Task :-- Progress Bar, Current Time, Total duration .
  • To get the current playback position, we listen for timeupdate event on the audio element.
  • When this event get fired, updateProgressBar function executes which do the heavy lifting task of all the maths & calculation of finding currentTime, duration from audio element and update the Progress Bar according as the current playback position changes.
  • Also, to update the current playback position on the click at different position on the Progress Bar, setProgressBarByClick function executes which finds clientWidth, offsetX on the Progress Bar element and evaluate the percentage of offsetX in clientWidth along Total Duration.
  • Then change currentTime property of audio element to trigger timeupdate event which leads to change of all things like ProgressBar growth, current time, current playback position.
  • Final Task :-- switch to next song in line when current song runs out
  • To do that, we listen for ended which fires when the current playlist is ended and execute nextSong function.