
Basics of Azure cloud services.


Learning azure as cloud services.

Common terminologies

  • Fault domain - Rack, common power source
  • Update domain - group of connected hardware that can undergo update, maintaineance at the same time.
  • Availability set - collection of fault domain and update domain in the same zone.
  • Availability zone - deploy identical VM into separate availability zones which separates the fault domain and update domain.
  • ARM - JSON template that can be used to create resources.
  • Virtual Machine scale set - the scale set is to group vm into one image. it can be loaded up or loaded down. Use load balancer before the scale set.

Common Concepts

  • Networking in Azure & Cloud in General. Sheet
  • Data/databases in Azure Sheet
  • Messaging in Azire Sheet

Make sure the VM are spread across Fault domain and Update domain.

Common Azure CLI commands

Command Resource Group
az group Resource group
az vm VM
az storage accounts az storage account
az keyvault Key vault
az webapp Web applications
az sql server SQL DB
az cosmosdb CosmosDB

Specific commands

The list to specific commands.

AZ Group

command example what it does
az group create --location --name [--managed-by] [--tags] az group create -l northeurope -n prashamscli-rg Creates a new resource group in the given location
az group delete --name - Delete a resource group.

AZ Deployment

command example what it does
az deployment group create --resource-group <resource_group> --template-file <template_file> --parameters <parameter_file> --- deploy VM using template and parameter file.

AZ Storage Account

command example what it does
az storage account create --name <name_account> --location <location> --resource group <resource_group> --sku --- To create a new storage account

AZ Functionapp

command example what it does
az functionapp create --name <name_functionapp> --storage-account <name_storage_account> --consumption-plan-location <location> --resource-group <resource_group> --functions-version <version> ----

AZ Resources.

name What it does
VM Virtual Machines
App Services Hosting web apps
ACR (Cart Docker) Cart for hosting docker images
AKS (Kubernetes services) Azure k8 services.
Azure Functions Serverless solution to deploy solutions that dont rely on cloud infrastructure and solutions.
Logic Apps Workflow that integrates with apps
ACI Docker without k8.
App Service Container Deploy docker to app service
App Service Enviornment ASE Complete isolation of VMs on Vnet & Subnets.
Load Balancer balances load between Vms. Good for internal resources.
Application Gateway To manage web apps just as same as Load Balancer. Good for external resources..
WAF Web Firewall WAF Protection against common web app threats.