Feedback System

Demo Link



This feedback system is a web-based application designed to collect feedback from anonymous users based on different categories created by administrators. It facilitates user-generated reviews across various categories. Users can provide their review and experience for the category. Admin can generate Forms for various category and view the data generated by the reviews and suggestion provided by the users


Login Page

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Category list

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Create Form

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Customizable Forms:

The system allows administrators to create forms with various categories based on their specific requirements. Each category can be defined with appropriate questions or statements to gather relevant feedback.

Anonymous User Participation:

The feedback system ensures the anonymity of the users providing feedback. Users can submit their responses without revealing their identity, promoting honest and unbiased feedback.

Categorized Data Collection:

The system organizes feedback data according to the predefined categories set by the administrator. This categorization facilitates easier analysis and provides valuable insights into specific areas of interest.


Form Management Module:

  1. Allows administrators to create and manage feedback forms.
  2. Provides an interface for administrators to define categories and associated questions or statements.
  3. Utilizes React.js components to dynamically render forms based on the administrator's configurations.

Feedback Submission Module:

  1. Enables anonymous users to submit feedback through the created forms.
  2. Validates and stores feedback data in Firebase's real-time database.
  3. Implements data submission functionality using React.js and Firebase APIs.

Tech stack

  1. React (18.2.0)
  2. TypeScript (4.9.5)
  3. Firebase (9.22.1)
  4. Tailwind CSS (3.3.2)

System Requirements

Hardware Requirements:

  1. Processor: Intel® Core™ i3-10100 CPU @ 3.60GHz × 8 or above
  2. RAM: Minimum 8GB
  3. Storage: Minimum 100GB available disk space
  4. Network: Stable internet connection

Software Requirements:

  1. Operating System: Windows 10, macOS, or Linux
  2. Web Browser: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari
  3. Text Editor/IDE: Visual Studio Code
  4. Node.js: Latest stable version
  5. Firebase Account: Firebase project with Firestore database and Firebase Authentication enabled
  6. React.js: Latest stable version npm (Node Package Manager): Latest stable version
  7. Git: Version control system for code management and collaboration


  1. Improved Decision-making: It empowers organizations to make informed decisions by leveraging the valuable insights derived from user feedback across multiple categories. This enables targeted improvements in products, services, and customer experiences.
  2. Enhanced User Engagement: By providing users with an avenue to voice their opinions and contribute feedback, this web application fosters a sense of engagement and involvement. This promotes a positive user experience and strengthens the relationship between organizations and their customers or stakeholders.
  3. Streamlined Feedback Management: This web application centralizes the collection, organization, and analysis of feedback data, streamlining the feedback management process. This eliminates manual tracking, reduces administrative overhead, and ensures a more efficient feedback management workflow.
  4. Data-driven Improvements: With the ability to analyze feedback data from multiple categories, organizations can identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. This data-driven approach enables targeted enhancements to address customer needs, resulting in better products, services, and overall satisfaction.