
This is a complete initial setup of APIs with authentication in node. Technology includes node, mongoose, express, JWT, passportjs. Download and use this app as initial setup of node apis and enhance it according to your requirements..

Primary LanguageJavaScript

node api authorization

This is a complete initial setup of APIs with authentication in node. Technology includes node, mongoose, express, JWT, passportjs. Download and use this app as initial setup of node apis and enhance it according to your requirements..


  1. node js
  2. mongo db

Installation and Usage Steps -

i) Clone or download project in your system

ii) Run "npm install" to install all modules defined in package json.

ii) Run app.js File using - "node app.js" OR just use nodemon if you have installed it on your system

Example APIs

1) Register API

URL: http://localhost:2000/users/register

Request Type: POST

Headers- Content-Type:application/json

Body Params: { "name":"prashant bhatt", "email":"ppgeu89@gmail.com", "password":"test", "username":"prashant" }


{ "success": true, "msg": "User Registered" }

2) Authenticate API

URL: http://localhost:2000/users/authenticate

Request Type: POST

Headers- Content-Type:application/json

Body Params: { "password":"test", "username":"prashant" }


{ "success": true, "token": "JWT token string", "user": { "id": "59653c1fdcb0d5398830010a", "name": "prashant", "username": "prashant", "email": "ppgeu89@gmail.com" } }

Note - This token will be used in all future calls

  1. Get User Profile (A call to check if token verification working)

URL: http://localhost:2000/users/profile

Request Type: GET

Headers- Content-Type:application/json

Authorization:JWT Token HERE

Response:- { "msg": "hiii" }

Enhance the API by creating your own Controllers and models.