Auction Service:

Auction and Bidding components are divided into two sub-services under root auction_service package.

Bidding Service:


POST /bid


type BidRequest struct {
	MsgID         string `json:"MsgID"`
	AdPlacementId string `json:"AdPlacementId"`

type BidResponse struct {
	AdID     string `json:"AdID"`
	BidPrice int64  `json:"BidPrice"`

When bidding service receives a request on /bid API a random UUID is generated for AdID and a random integer is generated to be used as BidPrice.

And for generating failure scenarios I'm failing 1 out of 5 requests (pseudo random way) by generating random number from 0-4 and returning 204 in case value is 1.

Auction Service:


POST /auction


type AuctionObject struct {
	AdID          string `json:"AdID"`
	BidPrice      int64  `json:"BidPrice"`
	AdPlacementId string `json:"AdPlacementId"`

type AuctionRequest struct {
	MsgID         string `json:"MsgID"`
	AdPlacementId string `json:"AdPlacementId"`

type AuctionResponse struct {
	Ads []*service.AuctionObject `json:"Ads"`

On getting a request on /auction API auction service hits bidding service concurrently BIDDING_COUNT times and returns the responses it go from all the calls combined in an array of responses.

A rate limiter middleware was enabled to this API to accept only 5 requests in a second and other requests will be returned an error with status code 429.

Instructions to run:

Assuming docker-compose, docker are already installed in the system

$ cd $GOPATH/src
$ git clone
$ cd auction_service
$ docker-compose up -d

Once it's up, /auction API is available at port 8081.

Sample Curl:

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8081/auction \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -d '{
	"AdPlacementId": "123"

For testing /bid of bidding service, it's reachable at localhost:8080

Sample Curl:

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8080/bid \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -d '{
	"AdPlacementId": "tea",
	"MsgID": "ms"