
Blogging Adda is a platform that anyone can use to publish their content on the internet in the form of a blog.

Primary LanguageHTML


Blogging Adda is a platform that anyone can use to publish their content on the internet in the form of a blog. It is a platform where a writer or even a group of writers share their views on an individual subject. In this platform, content is presented in reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first. The primary purpose of this platform is to connect bloggers to the relevant audience.

You can see the live site here


Registration Page

Image of Registration Page

Login Page

Image of Login Page

Home Page

Image of Home Page

About Us Page

Image of About Us Page

New Post

Image of New Post

User Profile Page

Image of User Profile Page

Getting Started with Development

Install virtualenv into you system:

pip install virtualenv

Create virtual environment if needed:


virtualenv -p python3.8 env


virtualenv env

Replace env with your virtual environment name and python3.8 with your python version in Linux Environment.

Enter into env directory (virtual environment) if created:

cd env/

Start virtual envirionment:


source bin/activate


Clone Git respository:
git clone https://github.com/Prashant1099/Blogging-Adda.git

Enter into cloned repository (Blogging-Adda):

cd Blogging-Adda/

Install all the required modules:

pip install -r requirements

Great now you can work on it 🎉