Welcome to my repository for coding problems that are frequently asked in technical interviews. This repository contains solutions and explanations for various data structures and algorithms, organized by topic. The aim is to help you prepare efficiently for coding interviews by focusing on key concepts and problem-solving techniques.
This repository is organized into the following folders, each representing a different topic in data structures and algorithms:
- Arrays: Problems related to array manipulation, searching, and sorting.
- Backtracking: Solutions for problems involving recursive backtracking.
- Binary Search: Efficient searching algorithms using the binary search technique.
- Bit Manipulation: Problems that leverage bitwise operations for optimization.
- Concurrency: Concepts and problems related to multi-threading and concurrent execution.
- Design: System design problems and object-oriented design principles.
- Divide and Conquer: Algorithms that solve problems by breaking them into smaller subproblems.
- Dynamic Programming: Optimization problems solved using dynamic programming techniques.
- Fenwick Trees: Problems that utilize Fenwick Trees (Binary Indexed Trees) for efficient range queries.
- Graphs: Problems involving graph traversal, shortest paths, and network algorithms.
- Greedy: Solutions using greedy algorithms that make locally optimal choices.
- Hashing: Problems that involve efficient data retrieval using hash tables.
- Heaps: Priority queues and heap-based problems, including heap sort.
- Interviews: General interview preparation questions and problems.
- Linked List: Problems related to singly and doubly linked lists.
- Maths: Mathematical algorithms and number theory problems.
- Matrix: Problems involving 2D matrices, including pathfinding and manipulation.
- Prefix Sum: Problems that utilize prefix sums for efficient range queries.
- Queue: Problems involving queues and their variations like deque.
- QuickSelect: Problems solved using the QuickSelect algorithm for finding k-th smallest elements.
- Segment Trees: Range query problems solved using segment trees.
- Sorting: Classic and advanced sorting algorithms.
- Stack: Problems involving stacks and their applications like parsing and evaluation.
- Strings: String manipulation, pattern matching, and text processing problems.
- Topics: A collection of various miscellaneous problems and topics.
- Trees: Binary trees, binary search trees, and general tree problems.
- Trie: Problems involving the trie data structure for efficient string operations.
- UnionFind: Problems involving the trie data structure for efficient string operations.
- Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/PrashantNigam/CodeCoLab.git
- Navigate Through Topics: Each folder contains multiple problems related to that topic, along with solutions and explanations.
- Practice: Try to solve the problems on your own before looking at the solutions. Use the explanations to understand the approach and improve your problem-solving skills.
If you're new to any of these topics, here are some recommended resources to get you started:
Feel free to contribute to this repository by adding more problems, optimizing solutions, or improving explanations. Please follow the standard contribution guidelines.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.