
This repository contains various authentication types which can be implemented using Django and Django-Rest-Framework(DRF)

Primary LanguagePython




This project uses Django's default user model. It demonstrates the implementation of:-

  • Registration
  • Login and Logout redirect
  • Custom django forms


This project extends AbstractUser. It demonstrates the implementation of:-

  • Logging in via email and password
  • forms.py
    • UserCreationForm
    • UserChangeForm
  • admin.py customization using above forms
  • Registration View logic

DjangoRestFramework - DRF


This project is an extension to auth2-AbstractUser. It combines auth2-AbstractUser, DRF and DRF's token authentication. It uses rest_framework.authtoken i.e. Token Authentication.

It demostrates custom implementation of:-

  • Registration
  • Token generation for a new user
  • Login
  • ChangePassword

Registration and Login View logic has been implemented vaguely. It needs further improvements.



This project is an extension to auth2-AbstractUser. It combines auth2-AbstractUser, DRF and simple-jwt authentication. It uses djangorestframework-simplejwt.

It demonstrates:-

  • djangorestframework-simplejwt
  • Login via email instead of username using AbstractUser
  • Registration View logic
  • RestAPI endpoints