(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
(setq-default tab-width 4)
(setq indent-line-function 'insert-tab)
(global-hl-line-mode);;highlight current line in all buffers;;Fido mode setup;;http://xahlee.info/emacs/emacs/emacs_icomplete_mode.html
(if (version< emacs-version "28.1")
(progn;; make buffer switch command do suggestions, also for find-file command
;; show choices vertically
(setf (nth2 ido-decorations) "\n")
;; show any name that has the chars you typed
(setq ido-enable-flex-matching t)
;; use current pane for newly opened file
(setq ido-default-file-method 'selected-window)
;; use current pane for newly switched buffer
(setq ido-default-buffer-method 'selected-window)
(progn;; minibuffer enhanced completion icomplete
;; show choices vertically
(setq icomplete-separator "\n")
(setq icomplete-hide-common-prefix nil)
(setq icomplete-in-buffer t)
(define-key icomplete-minibuffer-map (kbd"<right>") 'icomplete-forward-completions)
(define-key icomplete-minibuffer-map (kbd"<left>") 'icomplete-backward-completions)))
(fido-vertical-mode 1))
;; Ido mode;; for emacs version below 28
(progn;; make buffer switch command do suggestions, also for find-file command
;; show choices vertically
(if (version< emacs-version "25")
(setq ido-separator "\n")
(setf (nth2 ido-decorations) "\n"))
;; show any name that has the chars you typed
(setq ido-enable-flex-matching t)
;; use current pane for newly opened file
(setq ido-default-file-method 'selected-window)
;; use current pane for newly switched buffer
(setq ido-default-buffer-method 'selected-window)
(progn;; make buffer switch command do suggestions, also for find-file command
;; show choices vertically
(if (version< emacs-version "25")
(setq ido-separator "\n")
(setf (nth2 ido-decorations) "\n"))
;; show any name that has the chars you typed
(setq ido-enable-flex-matching t)
;; use current pane for newly opened file
(setq ido-default-file-method 'selected-window)
;; use current pane for newly switched buffer
(setq ido-default-buffer-method 'selected-window)
;; big minibuffer height, for ido to show choices vertically
(setq max-mini-window-height 0.5)
;;https://zhangda.wordpress.com/2016/02/15/configurations-for-beautifying-emacs-org-mode/;; disable CJK coding/encoding (Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters)
(setq utf-translate-cjk-mode nil)
(setq locale-coding-system 'utf-8)
;; set the default encoding system
(setq default-file-name-coding-system 'utf-8)
;; backwards compatibility as default-buffer-file-coding-system;; is deprecated in 23.2.
(if (boundp buffer-file-coding-system)
(setq buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8)
(setq default-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8))
;; Treat clipboard input as UTF-8 string first; compound text next, etc.
(setq x-select-request-type '(UTF8_STRING COMPOUND_TEXT TEXT STRING))
(set-frame-font"SauceCodePro NF 12"nilt)
;; https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2020-07-17-emacs-mixed-fonts-org/
(set-face-attribute'defaultnil:font"SauceCodePro NF-12")
(set-face-attribute'fixed-pitchnil:font"SauceCodePro NF-12")
(set-face-attribute'variable-pitchnil:font"Fira Code-12")
;; set scratch buffer mode to org;; to test speeding up opening org files later
(require'org-tempo) ;; to use <s to insert code blocks
(setq initial-major-mode 'org-mode)
(setq org-startup-folded t)
(setq org-src-fontify-natively t)
;; (custom-set-faces;; '(org-block-begin-line;; ((t (:underline "#002F46" :foreground "#586E75" :background "#002F36" :extend t))));; '(org-block;; ((t (:background "#002835" :extend t))));; '(org-block-end-line;; ((t (:underline "#002F46" :foreground "#586E75" :background "#002F36" :extend t))));; );;https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11670654/how-to-resize-images-in-org-mode
(setq org-image-actual-width nil)
(global-set-key (kbd"C-c e") 'org-babel-tangle)
change list styling
;; https://github.com/integral-dw/org-bullets#faq--troubleshooting
(setq inhibit-compacting-font-caches t)
'(("^ *\\([-]\\) "
(0 (prog1 () (compose-region (match-beginning1) (match-end1) "•"))))))
;; use org-bullets-mode for utf8 symbols as org bullets
(add-hook'org-mode-hook (lambda () (org-bullets-mode 1)))
;; make available "org-bullet-face" such that I can control the font size individually;;(setq org-bullets-face-name (quote org-bullet-face))
(add-hook'org-mode-hook (lambda () (org-bullets-mode 1)))
;;;; make available "org-bullet-face" such that I can control the font size individually;;(setq org-bullets-face-name (quote org-bullet-face))
;;(load (format "%s/%s" user-emacs-directory "minimal/packages_config"));;(Load (concat user-emacs-directory "minimal/packages_config"));;(load (expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory "packages_config.el")));; font settings;;(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(font . "SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono"));;(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(font . "Source Code Pro"));;(set-face-attribute 'default t :font "Source Code Pro");;(set-face-attribute 'default t :font "Source Code Pro");;(set-frame-font "SauceCodePro NF 12" nil t);; (set-face-attribute;; 'default (selected-frame) :font;;"-outline-SauceCodePro NF-medium-normal-normal-mono-11-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1");; (set-frame-font;; "-outline-SauceCodePro NF-medium-normal-normal-mono-11-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1");; (set-face-attribute 'default (selected-frame) :height 200);;(set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 150);; emacs basics;; movement :;; C-n,C-p,C-f,C-b;; C-a,C-e;; Alt-f and Alt-b : word jumping;; Undo;; C-_ or C-S-<->;; Copy pasting;; Start selecting with C-SPC or C-space;; Copy using Alt-w and Paste using C-y;; https://emacsredux.com/blog/2014/01/01/a-peek-at-emacs-24-dot-4-rectangular-selection/;; deletion;; delete current character with C-d;; delete word with M-d;; Split using C-x 2 and C-x 4;; Jump between splits using C-x o;; Close window using C-x 0 (zero);; Open file using : C-x C-f;; Run current expression as elisp : C-x C-e;; Open cmd panel : Alt-m and then type command;; Change theme temporariy : M-x load-theme <ENTER>;; and then presee <TAB> to see possible options;; Switch between buffers;; C-x b;; To open Scratch buffer : C-x b <ENTER> *scratch*;; Save file;; C-x C-s;; Searching;; C-s : Incremental search;; type the search-key then hit enter;; type C-s or C-r to cycle through search results
(windmove-default-keybindings'meta);;https://emacs.stackexchange.com/a/3460;; dont keep autosave files "^#<files># after saving
(setq delete-auto-save-files t)
;; backup directory;; https://github.com/daviwil/emacs-from-scratch/blob/master/show-notes/Emacs-Tips-Cleaning.org
(setq backup-directory-alist `((".".,(expand-file-name"tmp/backup" user-emacs-directory))))
;; manage auto files;; autosave dont create directory automatically
(make-directory (expand-file-name"tmp/auto-saves" user-emacs-directory) t)
(setq auto-save-list-file-prefix (expand-file-name"tmp/auto-saves/sessions/" user-emacs-directory)
auto-save-file-name-transform `((".*" , (expand-file-name"tmp/auto-saves/" user-emacs-directory) t)))
;; Python settings
(function (lambda ()
(setq indent-tabs-mode nil
tab-width 4))))
(setq org-edit-src-content-indentation 0)