
What kind of architecture did you use? MVC

What libraries did you add to the app? What are they used for? if you not rely the other library tell us why?

  • Scaffold, to put the body and so on with the default white background and can be used for appBar and other components that are in the Scaffold
  • BottomNavigatorBar, thats for bottom tab bar
  • SafeArea, so that the first widget doesn't overlap with the status bar
  • Container, for combines common painting, positioning, and sizing widgets.
  • SingleChildScrollView, to scroll when there is text or widget that exceeds the screen resolution limit
  • ListView, display a list
  • Card, for material design cards, it's for panels with slightly rounded corners and high shadows.
  • ListTile, a single fixed-height row that typically contains some text as well as a leading or trailing icon.
  • Column, to put multiple widgets in one file
  • Row, to put widgets horizontally
  • Image, to display an image
  • And in the style there are many more, and what is in the style is for what custom style we want to change

How long did you spend on the test? Maybe 1 to 2 days, if I can get it all. Since it's also not finished on that API combination part, I'm also just learning and I'm sorry that I still don't understand it

If you had more time, what further improvements or new features would you add? while not yet

Which parts of your submission are you most proud of? And why? little advice, don't answer whole project, use one what you think it special. Which parts did you spend the most time with? What did you find most difficult? The part I spend a lot of time on is combining APIs. And I think it's the most difficult when combining the API, because I've never tried it and this is the first time

How did you find the test overall? If you have any suggestions on how we can improve the test or our API, we'd love to hear them, please elaborate more about this. The last question, quality or quantity? Maybe both, so that those who receive the test can be more challenged

Getting Started

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