
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Social Media App

A comprehensive social media application has been developed using a full stack approach, incorporating technologies such as React, Redux, Express, MongoDB, and Material-UI.

The backend REST API server was implemented using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB.

To log in to the application, you can create an account using any email address of your choice and a password that is at least 6 characters long."


Login Page

Create New Account

Home Page

New Post

Search User

Account Page



To log in: make any email you want and password longer than 6 characters


  • Make posts, like them and add comments
  • user login, sign up, and authentication
  • Customize your user profile
  • Image uploads
  • Notifications for login,logout,addComment,deletePost,deleteComment.

Website: --To be hosted

Running Frontend side locally:

To run this app:

1: Install packages

run npm install

2: Run project

run npm start

3: Open it

go to http://localhost:3000