
A minimal web app developed with Flask

Primary LanguagePython


A minimal web app developed with Flask framework.

The main purpose is to introduce how to implement the essential elements in web application with Flask, including

  • URL Building

  • Authentication with Sessions

  • Template & Template Inheritance

  • Error Handling

  • Integrating with Bootstrap

  • Interaction with Database (SQLite)

  • Invoking static resources

For more basic knowledge of Flask, you can refer to a tutorial on Tutorialspoint.

How to Run

  • Step 1: Make sure you have Python packages flask, hashlib, and sqlite3 installed.

  • Step 2: Go to this app's directory and run python app.py

Details about This Toy App

There are three tabs in this toy app

  • Public: this is a page which can be accessed by anyone, no matter if the user has logged in or not.

  • Private: Only logged-in user can access this page. Otherwise the user will get a 401 error page.

  • Admin Page: This part is only open to the user who logged in as "Admin". In this tab, the administrator can manage accounts (list, delete, or add).

A few accounts were set for testing, like admin (password: admin), test (password: 123456), etc. You can also delete or add accounts after you log in as admin.



Image private.jpg: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:(315-365)_Locked_(6149414678).jpg

Image public.jpg: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Drown%3F!_(131380682).jpg