
Day-wise Python Learning resources from basic concepts to advanced Python applications such as data science and Machine learning. It also includes cheat-sheets, references which are logged daily to accelerate your learning.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


My [day-wise] Python Learning journey


Python 3 Learning

Python language reference

Python cheat sheets

Python quick reference cards

Daily Log

Day 1

  • Print function
  • Comments
  • Math module and mathematical operations
  • Loop - For, While
  • if, else, elif

Day 2

  • Functions
  • Global and Local Variables
  • Install Modules

Day 3

  • Importing modules
  • Read, write, append files
  • Class
  • Getting User Input
  • Statistics Module
      • Mean, Median, Standard deviation, Variance
  • Tuples and Lists
  • Launching WebBrowser
  • Multi-Dimensional List
  • Reading CSV files
  • Try and Except

Day 4

  • Multiline print
  • Dictionaries
    1. Create, delete and nested with lists
  • Using Builtin functions
    1. Format(), int(), float(), round(), floor(), ceil()

Day 5

  • OS module
    1. Current working directory, new, remove directory and renaming files
  • Sys Module
    1. Passing cmdline arguments
    2. Stderr, stdout
    3. System-specific parameters and functions

Day 6

  • Basic URLLIB module usecases
    1. Requesting html response from a web url
    2. Encoding the url parameters
  • Sending web requests using URLLIB module with custom headers
  • Dowloading JSON data from a URL

Day 7

  • Regular expressions
    1. Identifiers \d \D \w \W etc
    2. Modifiers + $ ^ etc
    3. Functions .findall() , .search() _

Day 8

  • List comprehensions and usecases
    1. Example of regular and list comprehension approach
    2. UseCase-1 : performing operations on each item in the list
    3. UseCase-2 : filtering elements of a list, eg - Null, empty strings, negative numbers etc
    4. UseCase-3 : list flattening - convert a 2D list to 1D list
  • String manipulations
    1. Slicing a string
    2. .split() and .join()
    3. reversed()
    4. .strip() , .lstrip() , .rstrip()
    5. .rjust() .ljust(), .center()
    6. UseCase - Printing data in tabular format using .center()

Day 9

    1. Dice Roll Simulator
    2. Guess the Number
    3. Hangman - Word guessing game

Day 10

  • Parsing websites

    1. Extracting data from withing the HTML tags of websites using reglar expression and web request
  • TKinter module to make windows forms

    1. Basic form with labels and buttons
    2. Button onclick event handling
    3. Change label text dynamically

    1. Calclator GUI (Using Tkinter module)

Day 11

  • Tkinter module to create MENU in windows forms
  • Add drop down menu items under each menu
  • Add functionalities to drop down menu items
    1. File > Save [Opens a File Dialog box to save the file]
    2. File > Exit
    3. Tools > Show Image
    4. Tools > Show Text
  • Threading Module
    1. Creating a thread
    2. Thread lock() , acquire() , release()
    3. Queue

Day 12

  • CX Freeze module
    1. Define setup files
    2. Build executables (.exe) from Python scripts
  • MatPlotLib module
    1. Loading coordinates from a csv file
    2. Plotting graph
    3. Scatter graph
    4. Bar graph
    5. Defining title, label, grid and legends
    6. Styling graphs

Day 13

  • Socket programming
    1. socket module
    2. socket.AF_INET (Address Family = IPv4)
    3. socket.SOCK_STREAM (Protocol = TCP) | socket.SOCK_DGRAM (Protocol = UDP)
  • Multi-threaded port scanner using socket programming
  • Listen\Bind ports
  • Client\Server system using socket programming

Day 14

  • Mini Project

    1. Chat System using Socket Programming
      • Telnet.exe clients can connect to a chat room on port 5555 of the server and start chat with other users
      • Multi-threaded client/server chat system
      • Broadcast [1-to-all] adnd private [1-to-1] messages
      • Chat room admin can Kick user(s) out of chat room
      • Poke users in a chat room
      • Ability to leave the chat room

Day 15

  • Pandas module
    1. Convert dictionaries to Dataframes
    2. Slicing dataframes
    3. Making new columsn in dataframes
  • SKLearn and Quandl module
    1. Get financial and economic datasets using Quandl
    2. Performing mathematical operations on dataframe columns
    3. Dataframe functions - .head() .tail() .shift() .fillna() dropna()

Day 16

  • Train, test, predict data using Linear regression or Simple vector machine model
    1. Features vs labels
    2. Training and predicting using a model
      1. Prepare training data and split in 2 parts, ~80% to train ~20% to test [ model_selection.train_test_split() ]
      2. Define a classifier/model, like LinearRegression, SVM (Simple vector Machine) and then Train the classifier using .fit()
      3. Test accuracy of the classifier with respect to test data from step 1 [~20% of data]
      4. Predict - Label = classifier.predict('Features')
  • Best fit line and how regression works
    1. What is slope(m) and intercept(b)
    2. Linear Regression = mX + b

Day 17

  • What are Squared error?
  • Squared error vs Absolute errors
  • R-Squared / Coeffcient of determination
  • Classification with K-Nearest neighbor (KNN)

Day 18

  • Euclidean distance

  • Making your own k-NN (k-Nearest Neighbor) algorithm in python

  • Comparing the accuracy and confidence of your algorithm with SKLearn module's neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier()

  • Accuracy vs confidence in k-NN algorithm

Day 19

  • SKLearn Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier
  • Making your own Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm in python [Courtesy: Harrison ]

Day 20

  • Browser Automation using Selenium web driver with Python
  • Python Web Scraping
    1. Using URLLib module and Regular expressions
    2. Using Beautiful Soup module

Day 21

  • Soft Marging Support vector machines, kernels and CVXOPT
  • SKLearn KMeans() classifier and clustering data sets

Day 22

  • Applying SKLearn KMeans classifier on Titanic data set to see if it can classify survivors and deads accurately
  • Making your own custom K_Means() classifier algorithm in python
  • Applying custom K_Means() algorithm on Titanic data set

Folder/Files listing

|   README.md
|       launch.json
|       tasks.json
+---Python Basics
|   |   01_Print_Function.py
|   |   02_Comment.py
|   |   03_Math.py
|   |   04_Variables.py
|   |   05_While_Loop.py
|   |   06_For_Loop.py
|   |   07_If_Else.py
|   |   08_Function.py
|   |   09_Global_Local_Variable.py
|   |   10_Install_Modules.py
|   |   11_Import_modules.py
|   |   12_Write_Append_Read_File.py
|   |   13_Class.py
|   |   14_User_Input.py
|   |   15_Statistics_Module.py
|   |   16_Tuples_List.py
|   |   17_Using_WebBrowser.py
|   |   18_MultiDimensional_List.py
|   |   19_Reading_CSV.py
|   |   20_Try_Except.py
|   |   21_Multiline_print.py
|   |   22_Dictionaries.py
|   |   23_Builtin_Functions.py
|   |   24_OS_Module.py
|   |   25_SYS_Module.py
|   |   26_URLLIB_Module_Basic.py
|   |   27_URLLIB_Module_Custom_Headers.py
|   |   28_URLLIB_Module_with_JSON.py
|   |   29_Regular_Expressions.py
|   |   30_List_Comprehensions.py
|   |   31_String_Manipulations.py
|   |   32_Parsing_Websites.py
|   |   33_TKINTER_Module.py
|   |   34_TKINTER_Add_Menu.py
|   |   35_Threading_Module.py
|   |   36_Threading_Advanced.py
|   |   37_CX_Freeze_and_Making_Exes.py
|   |   38_MatPlotLib_Module.py
|   |   39_Sockets_Programming.py
|   |   40_Multithreaded_Port_Scanner.py
|   |   41_Listen_And_Bind_Ports.py
|   |   42_Client_Server_Systems_With_Sockets.py
|   |   debug.log
|   |   
|   +---MiniProjects
|   |       1_Dice_Roll_Simulator.py
|   |       2_Guess_The_Number.py
|   |       3_Hangman.py
|   |       4_Calculator_GUI.py
|   |       5_Chat_System_On_Socket_Programming.py
|   |       readme.md
|   |       
|   +---Resources
|   |       Python_3_Tips.jpg
|   |       
|   \---SampleFiles
|           coordinates1.csv
|           coordinates2.csv
|           example.csv
|           GetHREF.py
|           picture.jpg
|           RequestWithHeader.txt
+---Python Machine Learning
|   |   01_Pandas_Module.py
|   |   02_Sklearn_and_Quandl_module.py
|   |   03_Regression_Train_Test_Predict.py
|   |   04_Best_Fit_Line_and_Regression.py
|   |   05_Classification_with_SKLEARN_K_Nearest_Neighbor_Algorithm.py
|   |   06_KNN_Algorithm_using_Python.py
|   |   07_Test_Accuracy_of_kNN_Classifier_on_Cancer_Data.py
|   |   08_Classification_with_SKLEARN_Support_Vector_Machine_Algorithm.py
|   |   09_Creating_a_SVM_from_scratch.py
|   |   10_Soft_Margin_SVM_and_Kernels_with_CVXOPT.py
|   |   11_Clustering_DataSets_with_KMeans_Algorithm.py
|   |   12_KMeans_on_Titanic_DataSet.py
|   |   13_Creating_KMeans_from_scratch.py
|   |   14_Custom_KMeans_Algorithm_on_Titanic_dataset.py
|   |   
|   +---MiniProjects
|   |       01_Twitter.py
|   |       
|   +---Resources
|   |       Basic_Algebra.pdf
|   |       Python_For_DataScience.jpg_large
|   |       R_and_Python_DataScience.jpg
|   |       
|   \---SampleFiles
|           breast-cancer-wisconsin.txt
|           Euclidean_Distance.jpg
|           Intro to Regression.pdf
|           linearregression.pickle
|           StockPrediction.png
|           titanic.xls
+---Python Selenium
|       01_Selenium_With_Python.py
+---Python Web Scraping
|       01_Using_URLLIB_and_REGEX.py
|       02_Using_Beautiful_Soup.py