Josh (Windos) King

Geek, Father, Walking Helpdesk.

Hi! I'm Josh, a Systems Administrator and Microsoft MVP from New Zealand. I predominantly work within Windows and VMware environments and have a passion for all things PowerShell.

You can find me on 🐦 Twitter, @WindosNZ, or my 📝 blog.

MVP Badge     Planet PowerShell Badge

☑️ Goals for 2020
  • Pass AZ-104
  • Start (and finish?) an eBook on Toast Notifications
  • Encourage at least 10 PRs on repos I maintain during Hacktoberfest

Support the OnRamp Scholarship

Please consider buying a copy of the PowerShell Conference Book, both Volume 1, Volume 2, and Volume 3!

100% of the royalties from sales of these books go towards the DevOps Collective's OnRamp scholarship program.

The DevOps Collective’s OnRamp scholarships help younger technology professionals, many from underrepresented groups and disadvantaged backgrounds, learn about IT automation, DevOps practices, and more - all at no cost to them or their families. We’re changing one life at a time and helping to ensure the continuation and advancement of our trade!

PS Conf Book 1     PS Conf Book 2     PS Conf Book 3