
Step by step description of creating a pull request for beginners


Step by step description of creating a pull request for beginners

OS: Linux


  1. Fork the repository so that you can work on the repo locally.

  2. Create upstream (Do it only once)

     git remote add upstream <clone_link>

    For checking streams

     git remote -v

you can get clone_link in Clone or Download.

  1. Open the terminal (ctrl + alt + t) and run below commands,

     git status 
     git add . 
     git commit -m "commit_message"
  2. Run below steps to sync your branch with the master branch

     git fetch upstream
     git merge upstream/master
  3. To final commit

     git push origin master
  4. If there is something left on stack and you don't want it

     git stash

Note : Step 4 is not required if you are sure of the fact that the last pull request is yours.


If someone shared a repo with you and you have that folder in your local system and want to link that directory with github repo,

	git remote add <repo_link>

If you have a directory in your local system and an empty repo on github and want to link both,

	git remote add -u <repo_link>
