Quantium Data Analytics Virtual Experience Program

This repository contains my workbook for both task 1 and task 2 of the Quantium Data Analytics Virtual Experience Program.

Quantium is an Australian-based data analytics and artificial intelligence company. This virtual experience program focuses on one of the many different industries that Quantium operates in and that is FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods). More specifically, we are looking at the sales pattern of the chips category in a particular retail store.

Module 1: Data Preparation and Customer Analytics

There are two important datasets in module 1, chips sales and customer data. The task is to carry out exploratory data analysis in order to extract insights about the purchasing behaviour of different customer groups. We want to then use those insights to formulate strategies to help our client increase chip sales.

Module 2: Experimentation and Uplift Testing

In module 2, we are told that there are 3 trial stores that have gone through a 3-month trial period with modified store layouts. We need to assess whether or not these changes in store layouts have resulted in positive outcomes in terms of chips sales and number of customers who have purchased chips. In order to do this, we have to first determine and assign a control store to each of the trial stores. Once this is done, we can proceed to use statistical tests like the t-test to evaluate the difference in total sales and number of customers between the control stores and the trial stores during the trial period and subsequently draw a conclusion on the effectiveness of the trial.