
A ToDo Application built using ReactJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Logic of the TodoApp

  1. TodoList function expects a todos array of todo list
function TodoList({ todos }){
  1. The function Todo expects 2 props -> text, isFinished. Then return the components as shown below
function Todo({text, isFinished}){
            <input type="checkbox" checked={isFinished}/>
            <span> {text} </span>
            <button> Edit </button>
            <button> Delete </button>
  1. In this function, if todos is present and {&&} we will iterate through this todos{todo.map()}. for every item todo((todo) =>) render a component which has a key, text and isFinished function.
function TodoList({ todos }){
        {todos && todos.map((todo) => <Todo key={todo.id} text={todo.text} isFinished={todo.isFinished} />)}
  1. Now in App.jsx, create a dummy todos array and pass it to the TodoList as a prop parameter. Now it renders the component on the screen.
 const todos =[
    {id: 1, text: 'todo 1', isFinished: true},
    {id: 1, text: 'todo 1', isFinished: false}
 <TodoList todos={todos}/>
  1. create a new component AddTodo with an AddTodo function, which takes an event onChange (event) which sets setTodoText() method which takes the input value (event.target.value) and value is set to todoText
  • For the onClick() event, set the "prop" addTodo() to todoText and set the function setTodoText('') as empty string
function AddTodo({addTodos}){
    const [todoText, setTodoText] = useState('');
            placeholder="Add your next todo ..."
            onChange={(event) => setTodoText(event.target.value)}

            <button onClick={()=>{
  1. In the new function addTodo() it expects a parameter todoText.
  • The setter function setTodos() expects an array, with previously set destructured todolist(...todos) along with a new object which expects all the todo Array components(id, isFinished, text)
function App() {

  const [todos, setTodos] = useState([
    {id: 1, text: 'todo 1', isFinished: true},
    {id: 1, text: 'todo 1', isFinished: false}

  function addTodos(todoText){
    let nextId = todos.length + 1;
    setTodos([...todos, {id: nextId, isFinished: false, text: todoText}])

  return (
      <AddTodo addTodos={addTodos}/>
      <TodoList todos={todos}/>

<TodoContext.Provider> : this is a special component and whichever component is wrapped inside it, all of these componets have access to todo context or the common todo decument

<TodoContext.Provider value={{todos, setTodos}}> </TodoContext.Provider> : now {todos, setTodos} is accessible by and hence we dont need any props in these 2 components

To execute the application

cd TodoApp npm run dev


  • It is a plain function
  • It takes 2 parameters:
  1. It takes the state of an array or some part of state: todos
  2. takes action: Action is nothing but a simple plain js object
  • an object has:
  • type and payload
  1. action property type -> identify the task to be performed
  2. parameters needed to complete task will be stored in a property called payload: () another object
  type: <String>
  payload: ()
  • The reducer takes the state of the app and action of the app and returns a new state