
Email service build in using send grid and python Django rest framework

Primary LanguagePython



  • Pycharm
  • Python3.9
  • SQLite Studio Server

Installing the Project :: Create the virtual environments using python -m venv environment_name Install the required packages mentioned in the requirements folder pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt

Django Specific configurations

  1. Populate DB using below commands:
    1. python manage.py makemigrations
    2. python manage.py migrate
  2. Start server using below command:
    1. python manage.py runserver

Create Sendgrid account

  1. Create a free send grid account
  2. Generate the API key and template for sending the mail
  3. For security purposes use the decouple to keep the credentials

Important Note:

  1. To avoid commit python compiled files(.pyc) files please add these into .gitignore file *.pyc
  2. Before commit the code please use pep8 check. please refer below url:
    we can use PyCharm(editor) Code -> Inspect Code utility for pep8 guideline.

Code Style Check

We used pycodestyle for Pep8 code style checker.Give below command to run:


We can also run pycoestyle for one file using below command:

  1. pycodestyle file name