Distributed Systems Assignment 1
Submitted By: Pratik Mandlecha 20161172
Running Server
goto directory from the root folder
compile Server java file :
javac TheMajesticServer.java
start Server :
java TheMajesticServer <max number of users>
OR Bash Script:
./server <max number of users>
Error Handling: Displays error when maximum users are not provided.
Running Client
goto directory from the root folder
compile Client java file:
javac People.java
start Client :
java People <username>
OR Bash Script:
./client <username>
Error Handling: Displays error when username is not provided.
Whenever a user is logged in, server shows: User <username> is logged in
Input: create chatroom <chatroom_name>
Output: Chatroom <chatroom_name> created
You are in chatroom <chatroom_name>
(Creating a chat room automatically joins the client to that chat room.)
Input: list users
Output: <users_of_the_chatgroup_you_are_currently_in>
Error Handling: You are not part of any chatroom (If the user is not present in any chatgroup right now)
Input: list chatrooms
Output: command to list all chat rooms
Error Handling: No chatrooms are available (If there are no chatrooms present)
Input: join chatRoom1
Error Handling: chatroom doesn't exist (If the specified chatroom doesnt exist)
Input: add <username>
Output: Adds the user to the current chatroom
Input: leave
Output: left the chatroom
(The chatroom gets deleted when all users leave it)
Output: Deletes the socket for that user
Input: reply “message”
Output: Send a message in the chatroom as Username:
Input: reply <username>/<filename> <tcp/udp>
Output: Send file to all the users in the current chatroom
Example: reply me/f2.png tcp
Error Handling:
• Maximum number of users on Server reached.
• Maximum number of users allowed for the server not given at the time of exection.
• User tried to connect to create/join a chatroom when part of another chatroom.
• User not in any chatroom but tries to print Members of the chatroom/leave.
chatroom/add another user/reply.
• Unrecognised command – When the command is not among the above defined commands.
• User tried to join a chatroom that doesn’t exist.
• User tried to add another user to a chatroom when the other user is already a part of another chatroom/doesn’t exist/part of same chatroom.
• User tries to send a file that doesn’t exist.