
A Quiz App

Primary LanguageKotlin

Quizzie: A Quiz App

It is an Android application designed for users who have keen interest in attempting quizzes for to foster their knowledge. It is built in with impressive UI and proper authentication system for registered users. It has a system which allows you to attempt quiz as per posted date by selecting via calendar.

Here are the following Usages/Implementations by which this application is built:

  • Usage of Firebase Firestore Authentication system for login/signup of users.

  • Usage of Firebase Cloudstore to store the data of quizzes updated datewise.

  • Usage of Google json library to pasre the JSON data from cloudstore database.

  • Usage of View binding in order to bind our functionality with the layout resources in xml files.

  • Usage of navigationView materialToolbar in order to implement the navigation drawer in application layout.

  • Usage of datePicker in order to choose date for specific quiz posted on a selected date.

  • Implementation of recyclerView and setting up of recyclerView adapter in mainActivity for quiz layout and in questionActivity for option layout.

  • Setting up of resultActivity which on evaluation shows the total score obtained in the attempted quiz.

  • Assistance of Android Material design for choosing specific layouts designing for the application.