
ASL to SigML transformer for Major project

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Deploy to AWS ECS Docker Build

Transforming ASL to sign Language animation ☀️


This is an interactive Machine Learning Web App "ASL-Transformer" developed using Python. It will help the deaf persons to understand sign language through animation from audio or Transcripted Test.


Project Overview 🤯

  • This program has three main steps:

    • Convert audio to text (skipped when converting text-to-sign)

    • Find what movement corresponds to each word

    • Animate the movement

    This system has the capability to accept two distinct types of input: audio files and text. When an audio file is provided, it transforms the spoken words within the audio into a transcript. Conversely, if text input is supplied, the system takes a different route by generating an animation that conveys the transcript in sign language before proceeding to the subsequent stage. In cases where text input is utilized, the usual process is bypassed, and the program directly generates an animation of the text represented in sign language. Beyond serving as a valuable tool for creating sign language equivalents of closed captions, this system has a broader educational utility. It caters to individuals interested in learning sign language, allowing them to self-educate by practicing various phrases using both the speech-to-sign and text-to-sign functionalities provided by SpeechToSign.

Tech Stack used 🧪

  • OpenAI's Whisper API to convert speech to text

  • Using Python scripts to convert the .txt file into a list of unique strings

  • Using Flask for Frontend

  • Using Google's MediaPipe Hand Landmarker to retry the coordinates of each hand

  • Using the ASL Dictionary to map each word to an array of coordinates

  • Using three.js to animate the set of points

  • Using HTML, CSS, JS, and Git to create a website and repository

  • Using Rancher, k3s, k8s, AWS ECS Cluster for Deployment

  • Github Action for CI/CD pipeline

    Abstract letter N modern logo icon design concept

Challenges ✨

  • Semantics: Not having the exact translation of every word in the ASL dictionary
  • Creating a model that uses both right and left hand, especially when their animations overlap
  • Making User Interface design smooth, accommodating both text and audio file inputs

Technical Overview 🚀

  • Collect all the videos from ASL dictionary for the required words spoken in the audio file.
  • Load the model from whisper to convert the given audio to Transcripted words and then modify those words so all of them are in the dictionary and save them to a list.
  • Make a POST request to submit the ASL words and convert it to sign language animation.
  • Determine handedness based on hand landmarker positions and store the coordinates and joint index to reference.json
  • Display the video frame with landmarker through OpenCV
  • Containerize the application.
  • Define a deployment mechanism (such as with yaml manifest files).
  • Deploy the application (Kubernetes).

How-to setup Locally 💻

  • Requirements:

    • System: Python (3.11.4)
    • Speech-to-text: PyTorch, ffmpeg (6.0), openai-whisper (beta)
    • Animation: NumPy (1.21.0), mediapipe (
    • Misc: Flask, Levenstein (0.2.1), regex (2023.6.3), opencv-python (
  • Instructions:

    • Clone the repository
      git clone https://github.com/PratyushaKumarKar/ASLtoSig-transformer.git
    • Set up Python virtual environment
      python -m venv myenv
    • Install required dependencies (requirements.txt)
    • Run the app.py file
      python app.py

How-to Deployment 🏭

  • Containerization 🐳

    • Create the Dockerfile first

        FROM python:3.9-slim-buster
        WORKDIR /app
        COPY . /app
        WORKDIR /app
        ADD ./requirements.txt ./requirements.txt
        RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
        EXPOSE 5000
        ENV FLASK_APP=app.py
        CMD ["flask", "run", "--host", ""]

      The Dockerfile tells the docker build command to:

      • start with the 'python:3.9-slim-buster' base image.

      • Set the working directory of container space and the copy the contents of the current directory (where the command is issued) to the '/app' directory in the image itself.

      • use '/app' as the working directory for subsequent instructions.

      • add requirements.txt to /app & install the Python packages as per the 'requirements.txt' file created earlier. (Avoid cache purge by adding requirements first)

      • expose the container port 5000

      • run the 'app.py' script.

    • Build the Docker image (Make sure you are in the directory where Dockerfile resides)

      docker build -t asl-transformer:latest .
    • Tag the image to your Docker Hub account.

      docker tag asl-transformer:latest <USERNAME>/asl-transformer:latest

      Replace with your Docker Hub user name.

    • Then Push the image to your Docker Hub account.

      • This will make it easier to deploy to your Kubernetes cluster.
      sudo docker push <USERNAME>/asl-transformer:latest

      Note:- make sure to docker login first to push the image

    • Run the container.

      docker run -p 5000:5000 asl-transformer:latest

      Open your Web browser to http://localhost:5000/ and verify that you can access the application.

  • kubernetes manifests ☸

    • Go to the /kubernetes folder and apply two manifests (make sure to install kubectl)

      • namespace.yaml
      • deployment.yaml
      • service.yaml
    • Create a namespace named "healthcare"

      kubectl apply -f namespace.yaml
      kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
      kubectl apply -f service.yaml
    • Check whether all the pods are running in the healthcare namespace.

      kubectl get pods -n healthcare
      • Result:-
      NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      asl-transformer-5df6b686c-dt69m   1/1     Running   0          9m31s
      asl-transformer-5df6b686c-pv288   1/1     Running   0          9m31s


    • Get all the information of the running resources healthcare namespace.

      kubectl get all -n healthcare
      NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      pod/asl-transformer-5df6b686c-dt69m   1/1     Running   0          18m
      pod/asl-transformer-5df6b686c-pv288   1/1     Running   0          6d
      NAME                               TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
      service/asl-transformer            ClusterIP   <none>        5000/TCP         6d1h
      service/asl-transformer-nodeport   NodePort     <none>        5000:30002/TCP   6d1h
      service/kubernetes                 ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP          123d
      NAME                              READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
      deployment.apps/asl-transformer   2/2     2            2           6d1h
      NAME                                         DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
      replicaset.apps/asl-transformer-5df6b686c    2         2         2       6d


    • Now you can access the nodeport: 30002 service


  • AWS ECS Deployment


    • ECS cluster


    • Accessing the application by assigning a LoadBalancer


    • App is finally up and running on AWS🔥


What I learned 🔖

  • How to use OpenAI's Whisper API to convert speech to text
  • Using Python scripts to convert the .txt file into a list of unique strings
  • Using Google's MediaPipe Hand Landmarker to retried the coordinates of each hand
  • Using the ASL Dictionary to map each word to an array of coordinates
  • Using three.js to animate the set of points
  • Using HTML, CSS, JS, and Git to create a website and repository
  • Deployment using aws, using kubernetes manifests and Github Action for CI/CD etc.

What's next for ASL-Transformer ⏭️

  • Introducing sliders for user-controlled animation speed
  • Enhancing the model with more human-like hand movements
  • Developing a reverse translation function from ASL to English via computer recognition and Machine Learning
  • Exploring commercial applications such as transcribing university lectures for deaf or hard-of-hearing students, and providing TV show captioning
  • Enthusiastically looking forward to the future potential of ASL-Transformer 👋

Contribution Guidelines 📖

Please refer to contribution guide if you wish to contribute to the project 😄

❤️ Show your support

Give a ⭐ if this project helped you, Happy learning!