
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Git, nodeJs and npm modules make sure above three installed in your machine using node -v git --version npm -v

Install Yeoman, Grunt and Bower. We’re going to use the Node Package Manager to do this all at once. In a terminal, run the following:

sudo npm install -g yo grunt-cli bower

As simple as that, we now have a powerful set of tools at our disposal.

Fork StickyNotes App from https://github.com/stalari/StickyNotes

Clone the repository:

git clone git@github.com:<user_name>/StickyNotes.git

Run the following to install the AngularJS generator:

sudo npm install

sudo npm install -g generator-angular

Goto the project root directory and run bower to install all the Bootstrap Javascript into Angular!

bower install angular-bootstrap --save

bower update

The –save flag tells bower to add this to our bower.json file as a dependency

To clean build of the application, run:

grunt clean

To build the application, run:

grunt build

To launch the application, run:

grunt serve

To run karma test cases, run:

grunt test