
Image labeler game/tool

The website looks forward to achieve image search through tags given by the user's. This is GOOGLE's IMAGE LABELLER in a re-invented form with interactive game mode UI. Although the website is self-explanatory, some details to set up the tools are briefed.

Pre-requisites for setup:

  1. Download the WEB_tech.sql file from the folder and set the MySQL functionality [Exclusively Xampp v.3.2.2 and above] and set up your server.
  2. Check if all images are present for your requirement.
  3. Check if the server connection is established by doing stub tests and clear your database for using the tool.


  • The project is designed for tagging images specific tags for search purpose.
  • This can be used as image-preprocessing tool for generating dataset for Machine Learning and Deep Learning problems.(like CIFAR10 dataset).
  • Project has a GAME stimulated UI for encouraging participation
  • vividify_dsx is a minigame based on a variation of edit distance where on providing a start word and end word the player has to type in all the valid intermediate words such that each of those words is a valid English word and it differs from the previous word by either substitution, deletion or insertion of a letter.(Implemented as a graph where shortest path is determined by BFS algorithm.)